P295: ངག་དབང་མཐུ་སྟོབས་དབང་ཕྱུག

  • འཁྲུངས་ལོ།: 1900
  • འདས་ལོ།: 1950

1939: ངག་དབང་མཐུ་སྟོབས་དབང་ཕྱུག met the Italian Tibetologist གྷིའུ་སེ་པེ་ཏུ་ཆི། (1894–1984), who mentions to have received a kind of formal tantric initiation from him; cf. Tucci 1969, 2001 ed., p. 92): "In 1939, when, in the Saskya monastery, I wanted to be admitted to the complicated initiation of Kyai rdo rje (Hevajra), the patron deity of the Saskya pa sect, there were undertaken during the first day the propitiatory rites of a long ceremony which started early in the morning and lasted for most of the day. The Grand Lama of Saskya gave me a leaf which had been blessed and told me to put it under my pillow and not to forget the dreams which I might possibly have during the night".

David Jackson mentions this event also in his biography on Dezhung Rinpoche: "But Tucci would not share these [Sakyapa historical materials], no matter how desperately the scholars in Seattle needed them-this in spite of the fact that Tucci had been helped in Sakya by Jigdral Dagchen Rinpoche's father, Ngawang Thutop Wangchuk, and had apparently even received initiations from him" Jackson 2003 (p. 277) and "[...] Tucci is said to have received at least formally some tantric initiations of instructions in Sakya from Dagchen Rinpoche's father, Ngag dbang mthug stobs dbang phyug. Evidently Wylie expected to do something similar in Seattle." Jackson 2003 (pp. 651f. n. 949)