P429: ཉ་དབོན་ཀུན་དགའ་དཔལ།

མིང་གཞན། order acc. to frequency
རིགས་རུས་ཆོ་འབྲང་ བླ་སློབ་སོགས།
  • on his difficulty of establishing his dates, see Stearns 2010b (pp. 365f. n. 394)

  • active until at least the end of the fourteenth century: "[...] ascended the monastic seat of Jonang sometime after 1381 [...], placed the great adept Kunga Lodro on the monastic seat of Tsechen Monastery in 1386, [...] wrote his commentary to Dolpopa's General Commentary on the Doctrine in 1393 [...] wrote annotations to his own Ornament of Luminosity (འོད་གསལ་རྒྱན) in the Fire Ox Year (མེ་མོ་གླང) of 1397" Stearns 2010b (p. 366 n. 394)

h2. Teachers

  • 1371: became མཁན་པོ། of new བཤད་གྲྭ། at རྩེ་ཆེན in 1371 (ལྕགས་མོ་ཕག) in འཕགས་རིན's 52th year (c. 1320) rab kun 'phags rnam thar [1987] (pp. 16f.)