L890: ཞོལ་པར་ཁང་།

  • Old Potala printery
  • Old Zhol printery
  • Hopkins 2003 (p. 356 n. a): "E. Gene Smith (personal correspondence) identifies the "old zhol": The old Zhol Par-khang has the formal name Shar Dga'-ldan-phun-tshogs-gling. This was founded by the 5th Dalai Lama and was the chief printing house of Lhasa until the establishment of the new Zhol Par-khang printery, the Bka'-'gyur Par-khang, styled the Gangs-can-phan-bde'i-gter-mdzod-gling. This was founded during the reign of the 13th Dalai Lama for housing the blocks of the Lha-sa edition of the Bka'-'gyur. After the completion of this project, the Lhasa government initiated the carving of the printing blocks for a number of other important gsung 'bum including Bu-ston, A-khu-ching, Thu'u-bkwan, Gung-thang. The blocks from the Old Zhol printery were under the custody of the Potala authorities. Most seem to have been discarded and are being sold around the Bar-'khor as curios. The New Zhol blocks are under the custody of the TAR Archives and are well kept, for the most part. Regarding the name Shar Dga'-ldan-phun-tshogs-gling for the old Zhol printery, I think this is called Shar in contrast to the Nub Dga'-ldan-phun-tshogs-gling or the old Rtag-brtan-phun-tshogs-gling, the seat of Jo-nang Rje-btsun Tāranātha. This monastery boasted a great printing house with a number of works by the 5th Dalai Lama. Ngawang Gelek Demo published a 1957 survey of the printing houses of Central Tibet in his Three Catalogues. For the history of the Dga'-ldan-phun-tshogs-gling of the west (formerly Rtag-brtan-phun-tshogs-gling), see Champa Thupten Zongtse, History of the Monastic University Dga'-ldan-phun-tshogs-gliṅ = Geschichte der Kloster-Universität dGa'-ldan-phun-tshogs-gliṅ = Dga' ldan phun tshogs gling gi thog mtha' bar gsum gyi byung ba yid la dran byed kun khyab snyan pa'i rnga sgra (Göttingen: Im Selbstverlag des Verfassers, 1977)."
  • On ནུབ་དགའ་ལྡན་ཕུན་ཚོགས་གླིང་། (formerly རྟག་བརྟན་ཕུན་ཚོགས་གླིང), see ཕུན་ཚོགས་གླིང་དཔར་ཁང་།