T373: སྨན་བྲིས།


See also affiliation "A105: sman bris":https://www.sakyaresearch.org/affiliations/105

  • དཔལ་ལྡན་ཚེ་རིང་།, 班旦次仁: 从桑珠孜宫到布达拉宫, 从勉唐·贡确臣列伦珠真迹谈16-17世纪西藏宫廷画风的演变 (From Shigatse to Lhasa, The Evolution of Tibetan Court Painting Style in the 16th and 17th Centuries by the Works of sMan-thang-pa dkon mchog 'phrin las lhun grub), presentation at the Eighth International Conference on Tibetan Archaeology & Arts, Hangzhou, China, Nov. 2023.