R1181: sems 'grel bskor gsum gyi bla ma'i rgyud rim gsal ba/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}

Kun spangs Chos grags dpal's (fl. 14th cent.) Sems 'grel skor gsum lineage history {etext | Wylie}

Digital version 2.0 {Wylie}; WYLIE COPY of master xml (completed: 2020-10-19); head entries and linebreaks encoded, no folio numbers, revision in process, no thematic TEI markup
  • Digital edition: Sakya Research Centre; This text was digitally published by be ri rig pa'i rdo rje/ (ed.), Tashi Choeling Buddhist Center (Charlottesville, VA); sems 'grel bla brgyud/ (Digital Text version/id: nges don sgron me/ 30, uploaded 25 /09/ 2013). (src)
  • Text input: nang bstan rig mdzod nges don dpe tshogs 'phrul deb lte gnas/, Tashi Choeling Buddhist Center (eds)
  • Editorial process: nang bstan rig mdzod nges don dpe tshogs 'phrul deb lte gnas/ (ntrd), Mathias Fermer (mf)
  • TEI Encoding: Sakya Research Centre
  • TEI Markup: -
  • Revisions/Corrections: -
File Info
  • Language: Wylie
  • Coverage: Full Text
  • Accessible: publicly