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Wylie (191)
Tibetan (184)
Excerpt/Colophon (46)
Full Text (145)
Etexts are listed according to IDs. Please apply the filter functions in the menu.
Displaying all etexts with language Wylie.
lam rim 'bring po/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
The Middle-Length Treatise on the Stages of the Path by Tsong kha pa (1357–1419) (sNe'u block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
David Jackson, tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed lha bcu gsum ma'i sgrub pa'i thabs/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Sādhana of Vajrabairava in a group of thirteen deities by Tsong kha pa (1357–1419) (dGa' ldan block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
David Jackson, tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
dpal gsang ba 'dus pa mi bskyod rdo rje'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga dbang gi don gyi de nyid rab tu gsal ba/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Maṇḍalavidhi of Akṣobhyavarja Guhyasamāja by Tsong kha pa (1357–1419) (dGa' ldan block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
David Jackson, tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/, rin chen rgyal mtshan/, sdom brtson sangs rgyas bsam grub/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
khyab bdag rdo rje sems dpa'i bsnyen bsgrub bzhi'i sbyor bas mnyes par byed pa'i 'dus pa'i sgrub thabs rnal 'byor dag pa'i rim pa/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Propitiatory sādhana of Vajrasattva within the Guhyasamāja cycle by Tsong kha pa (1357–1419) (dGa' ldan block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
David Jackson, tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/, zhus dag pa sdom brtson bsod nams blo gros/, dpon 'dir/, shAkya'i dge slong yon tan 'od/, bla ma 'jam nyag?, mkhas pa rin chen dpal/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
lam rim 'bring po/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
The Middle-Length Treatise on the Stages of the Path by Tsong kha pa (1357–1419) (dGa' ldan block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
David Jackson, tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
dpal ldan bir wa pa'i rnam par thar pa bzhugaso// {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Śāriputra's biographies of Virupa, Goraknātha and Golenāthā {etext | Wylie}
paN chen shA ri pu tra/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
chos 'byung me tog snying po sbrang rtsi'i bcud/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Religious history by Nyang ral Nyima 'od zer (1124–1192) {etext | Wylie}
nyang ral nyi ma 'od zer/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
rgyud sde rin po che kun las btus pa'i thob yig de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gsang ba ma lus pa gcig tu 'dus pa rdo rje rin po che'i za ma tog {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Record of teachings received of the rGyud sde kun btus {etext | Wylie}
'jam dbyangs blo gter dbang po/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
sems 'grel bskor gsum gyi bla ma'i rgyud rim gsal ba/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Kun spangs Chos grags dpal's (fl. 14th cent.) Sems 'grel skor gsum lineage history {etext | Wylie}
kun spangs chos grags dpal/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i brgyud pa rin po che'i rtogs pa brjod pa dpag bsam gyi snye ma/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Chag lo Rin chen chos rgyal's (b. 1447) Kālacakra lineage history {etext | Wylie}
chag lo rin chen chos rgyal/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
dpe rgyun dkon pa 'ga' zhig gi tho yig don gnyer yid kyi kunda bzhad pa'i zla 'od 'bum gyi snye ma/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
A khu ching Shes rab rgya mtsho's list of some rare books {etext | Wylie}
a khu ching shes rab rgya mtsho/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
dpal 'khor lo sdom par brjod pa bde mchog bsdus pa'i rgyud kyi rgya cher bshad pa sbas pa'i don kun gsal ba/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Exposition of the Cakrasaṃvaratantra (block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
mkhan po rin po che seng ge mtshan can gyi rnam thar/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Hagiography of 'Brom ston Seng ge rgyal mtshan (fl. 1st half of 15th cent.) {etext | Wylie}
stag tshang lo tsA ba shes rab rin chen/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
gtsang stag tshang lo tsA ba shes rab rin chen rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i rnam par thar pa'i kha skong yid ches gser gyi ljon pa/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Supplement to the autobiography of sTag tshang lo tsā ba Shes rab rin chen (1405–1477) {etext | Wylie}
'jam dbyangs chos kyi dpal 'byor/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
lo chen thams cad mkhyen pa shes rab rin chen rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i zhabs kyi rnam par thar pa/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Autobiography of sTag tshang lo tsā ba Shes rab rin chen (1405–1477) {etext | Wylie}
stag tshang lo tsA ba shes rab rin chen/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
sems dpa' chen po nam mkha' 'od zer gyi rnam thar/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Hagiography of Sems dpa' chen po Nam mkha' 'od zer (fl. 15th cent.) {etext | Wylie}
stag tshang lo tsA ba shes rab rin chen/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
dmangs do ha'i rnam bshad sems kyi rnam thar ston pa'i me long / btsun mo do ha'i TI ka 'bring po sems kyi rnam thar ston pa'i me long / rgyal po do ha'i TI ka 'bring po sems kyi rnam thar ston pa'i me long / par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
(block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
karma 'phrin las pa/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
zab mo nang don gyi rnam bshad snying po gsal bar byed pa'i nyin byed 'od kyi phreng ba/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
(block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
karma 'phrin las pa/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
mngon rtogs rgyan gyi 'grel ba 'jig rten gsum sgron/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
(block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
karma 'phrin las pa/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
chos kyi rje karmA phrin las pa'i gsung 'bum las thun mong ba'i dri lan gyi phreng ba rnams/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Replies to various doctrinal questions and polemics (block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
karma 'phrin las pa/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
chos kyi rje karma phrin las pa'i gsung 'bum las rdo rje mgur gyi 'phreng ba rnams/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Songs of esoteric practice given on various occasions (block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
karma 'phrin las pa/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
mngon par brjod pa 'bum pa las phyung ba nyung ngu'i rgyud kyi bsdus pa'i don rnaM par bshad pa/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Lakṣābhidhānāduddhṛitalaghutantrapiṇḍārthavivaraṇa (block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
phyag na rdo rje/, rdo rje brtan pa/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
gsung rab kyi drang ba dang nges pa'i don rnam par phye ba gsal bar byed pa legs par bshad pa'i snying po/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Tsong kha pa's Essence of True Eloquence (block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel bshad de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba'i me long / par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Uttaratantraśāstra commentary (Old gDan sa mthil block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
'gos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i rgyud bshad pa la 'jug pa rgyud gsum gyi gsang ba rnam par phye ba/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Kālacakra commentary rGyud gsum snang ba (Old Phag gru lock print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
'gos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
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