R379: chos kyi rje dpal ldan bla ma dam pa rnams las dam pa'i chos ji ltar thob pa'i tshul legs par bshad pa zab rgyas chos kun gsal ba'i nyin byed las chos kyi rje nyams dang rtogs pa'i mnga' bdag rje btsun dbang phyug rab brtan gyis rjes su bzung ba'i tshul gyi sarga {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}

The gSan yig of 'Jam mgon A mes zhabs (1597-1659), part VIII: teachings from dBang phyug rab brtan (1559-1636) {etext | Wylie}

Digital version 2.0 {Wylie}; WYLIE COPY of master xml (completed: 2015-07-05); converted from external file, unrevised, no thematic TEI markup
  • Digital edition: Sakya Research Centre; This text was initially inputted by Lama Guru, Sachen International (Digital Text version/id: AMAI013.doc). (src)
  • Text input: Lama Guru (lg)
  • Editorial process: Mathias Fermer (mf), Samdrub
  • TEI Encoding: Sakya Research Centre
  • TEI Markup: -
  • Revisions/Corrections: Samdrub
File Info
  • Language: Wylie
  • Coverage: Full Text
  • Accessible: publicly