R62: The 'Miscellaneous Series' of Tibetan Texts in the Bihar Research Society, Patna: A Handlist

  • Pagination (Witness A): [-]
gsungs pa'i gsung rab rgya mtsho'i snying por gyur pa rig pa 'dzin pa'i sde snod dam| snga 'gyur rgyud 'bum rin po che'i rtogs pa brjod pa 'dzam gling tha gru khyab pa'i rgyan
A. 'Jigs med gling pa (1729-1798)
xyl, 6 lines, ff. 1-250, margin: ga, verso: rnying rgyud dkar chag
Subject: History of Rnying ma rgyud 'bum?
# 1513 (B. no. 592)
T. Dri lan rin po che'i bstan bcos| lung gi gter mdzod
A. 'Jigs med gling pa alias Mkhyen rtse'i 'od zer alias Klong chen nam mkha'i rnal 'byor (1729-1798)
xyl, 6 lines, ff. 1-188, margin: ga, verso: lung mdzod
# 1514-1 (B. no. 593)
T. Deb gter sngon po dum bu dang po| chos 'byung gi rtsa ba| rgyal rabs| bstan pa snga dar gyi skabs
A. 'Gos lo tsa ba Gzhon nu dpal (1392-1481)
xyl, 7 lines, ff. 1-28, margin: ka
Edition: Old Yangs pa can blocks. After some damage in Tibet Gorkha war, these blocks were repaired and moved to Kun bde gling.
Subject: History of Buddhism in Tibet
Book complete to fasc. ba.
# 1514-2 (B. no. 594)
T. Yongs rdzogs bstan pa'i mnga' bdag mkhan chen mkhyen rab bstan pa chos 'phel dpal bzang po'i gsung 'bum pod dang po'i dkar chag
A. Mkhyen rab bstan pa chos 'phel, Mkhan chen
Edition: 'Bras Gung ru?
Subject: List of contents of first volume of author's collected works This bundle contains several fascicles of Mkhyen rab bstan pa chos 'phel's works, no fascicle "numbers," each with separate foliation.
# 1514-3 (B. no. 595)
1 folio of a Sanskrit manuscript in sarda script (of circa the 10th or 11th century?) with interlinear Tibetan translation. Tantric subject matter.
margin: ura sa 4
Found by chance wrapped up within one volume of a Pan chen Rin po che's collected works, 10th April 1987.

[The following were not checked bundle by bundle.]
# 1515-1614 (B. nos. ka-la)
A. Bu ston Rin chen grub (1290-1364)
Collected works, Lha sa edition, vols. ka-la (1-26)
# 1615-1619 (B. nos. sha sa)
A. Sgra tshad pa Rin chen rnam rgyal (1318-1388)
Collected works, Lha sa edition, vols. sha-sa (27-28) of Bu ston's gsung 'bum