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Wylie (191)
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Full Text (145)
Etexts are listed according to IDs. Please apply the filter functions in the menu.
Displaying all etexts with language Wylie.
dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i rgyud kyi dka' 'grel snying po'i don rab tu gsal ba'i rgyan/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Commentary of the Essential Meaning of the Kālacakratantra (Old rGyal bzang smon mkhar block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
'gos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
blo sbyong don bdun ma rtsa ba dang smon lam thams cad kyi don bsdus pa/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Seven points of mind training and prayer by Tsong kha pa (1357–1419) (block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
'chad kha ba ye shes rdo rje/, tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal kye rdo rje'i byung tshul dang brgyud pa'i bla ma dam pa rnams kyi rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar rgya mtsho/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Ngor chen's (1382–1456) history of Hevajra and the Lamdre lineage masters {etext | Wylie}
ngor chen kun dga' bzang po/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
lam 'bras lam skor sogs kyi gsan yig {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
The Lamdre teaching record by 'Phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan (1235–1280) {etext | Wylie}
'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
lung dang brgyud pa sna tshogs thob pa'i gsan yig {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
The Record of teachings received by 'Phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan (1235–1280) {etext | Wylie}
'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
rdo rje phur ba'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga rtogs par sla ba/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Vajrakīla maṇḍala ritual by Bla ma dam pa (block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
sher phyin brgyad stong pa/ par rnying / mjug byang / gser bris las byung / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Prajñāpāramitāsūtra in eight thousand lines (Old Gongkar block print), colophon excerpt from Golden manuscript, unrevised {etext | Wylie}
i nag bzhi 'dzom/, nam mkha' bzang po/, gnyer chen gu ru/, mkhas pa rin chen dpal/, pad ma bkra shis/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i rtsod lan gdung sel ku mu da'i dga' ston/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Reply to criticisms of the Kālacakra (Old block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
'gos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
deb ther sngon po/ chos rgyal lhun po'i par byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
The Blue Annals (block print), Chos rgyal lhun po printer's colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
'gos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
dbu ma lta khrid/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Instructions on the view of the Middle Way (block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
rong ston shes bya kun rig
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag gi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs pa'i rgyan gyi 'grel pa'i rnam bshad tshig don rab tu gsal ba/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Rong ston's sub-commentary on Haribhadra's Sphuṭārthā (block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
rong ston shes bya kun rig
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i lam nyams su len pa'i rim pa mun sel sgron me/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Exegesis of the meditative practice of the Prajñāpāramitā teachings (block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
rong ston shes bya kun rig
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
dbu ma rtsa ba'i rnam bshad zab mo'i de kho na nyid snang ba/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Commentary to Nagarjuna's Mūlamadhyamakārikā (block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
rong ston shes bya kun rig
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag lam lnga gsal ba'i sgron me/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Prajñāpāramitā upadeśa (block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
rong ston shes bya kun rig
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos legs par bshad pa/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Ratnagotravibhāga commentary (block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
rong ston shes bya kun rig
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
dus 'khor bla ma brgyud pa'i rnam thar/ (rtsom 'phro/) {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Accounts of the Kālacakra lineage masters by sTong ra Kun dga' legs grub (unfinished) {etext | Wylie}
stong ra kun dga' legs grub/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
rgyal rabs gsal ba'i me long ngam chos 'byung gsal ba'i me long / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
The Mirror Illuminating the Royal Genealogies {etext | Wylie}
bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
rje btsun kun dga' grol mchog gi phyi nang gsang gsum gyi rnam thar/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
rJe btsun Kun dga' grol mchog's (1507–1565/1566) Outer, Inner and Secret Biography {etext | Wylie}
rje btsun kun dga' grol mchog
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
rje btsun chos kyi rje glang ri thang pa blo gros rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i rnam par thar pa mdo tsam du bya ba mos pa'i stobs rab tu bskyed pa/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Hagiography of sPyan snga Glang ri thang pa Blo gros rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po (1432–1488) {etext | Wylie}
gser mdog paN chen shAkya mchog ldan/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
chos kyi rje kun dga' rdo rje'i rnam par thar pa dad pa'i stobs bskyed pa/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Hagiography of Glang thang spyan snga Kun dga' rdo rje (1424–1477/78?) {etext | Wylie}
gser mdog paN chen shAkya mchog ldan/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
rje btsun dam pa a mo gha shri bha tra'i rnam par thar pa skal bzang skye rgu'i dang ba 'dren byed/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Hagiography of Don yod dpal (1398–1483/84) {etext | Wylie}
gser mdog paN chen shAkya mchog ldan/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
dpal ldan bla ma dam pa ku ma ra ma ti'i rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar bkod pa'i sprin gyi rnga sgra/{bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Hagiography of dPal ldan bla ma Ku ma ra ma ti (1372–1475) {etext | Wylie}
gser mdog paN chen shAkya mchog ldan/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
chos kyi 'khor lo bskor ba'i rnam gzhag ji ltar grub pa'i yi ge gzu bor gnas pa'i mdzangs pa dga' byed/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Fundamentals of Turning the Wheel of Dharma {etext | Wylie}
gser mdog paN chen shAkya mchog ldan/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
paNDi ta chen po shAkya mchog ldan gyi rnam par thar pa zhib mo rnam par 'byed pa/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Hagiography of gSer mdog paṇ chen Shākya mchog ldan (1428–1507) {etext | Wylie}
rje btsun kun dga' grol mchog
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
rje btsun thams cad mkhyen pa'i bshes gnyen shAkya rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i zhal snga nas kyi rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar dad pa'i rol mtsho/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Hagiography of Rong ston Shes bya kun rig (1367–1449) {etext | Wylie}
gser mdog paN chen shAkya mchog ldan/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
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