sakya research centre
'bri gung bka' brgyud/ (1)
'brug pa bka' brgyud/ (1)
bka' brgyud/ (15)
bka' gdams/ (1)
dga' ldan pho brang / (1)
dge lugs/ (15)
dwags po bka' brgyud/ (4)
gdan gcig pa/ (1)
gong dkar lugs/ (11)
imperial/dynastic (1)
Indian (6)
jo nang / (11)
karma bka' brgyud/ (3)
nA lendra lugs/ (3)
ngor lugs/ (58)
rdzong lugs/ (3)
rnying ma/ (2)
sa skya 'khon/ (44)
sa skya [wider] (57)
sa skya/ [PARENT] (150)
translator (1)
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tshar lugs/ (2)
zhwa lugs/ (4)
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? Modern rel.-hist. publication (2)
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genealogy (10)
hagiography (73)
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literature of the path (2)
maṇḍala ritual (3)
monastic chronicles (3)
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record of teachings received (21)
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text collection (modern) (57)
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translation (modern) (1)
translation (Tibetan) (5)
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treatise (Tibetan) (7)
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upadeśa (man ngag) (1)
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–1950s | Pre-1950s (2)
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1354–ca. 1480 | Phag mo gru-period (25)
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book production (1)
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emptiness (1)
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Wylie (191)
Tibetan (184)
Excerpt/Colophon (46)
Full Text (145)
Etexts are listed according to IDs. Please apply the filter functions in the menu.
Displaying all etexts with language Wylie.
thob yig bum pa bzang po/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Record of Teachings Received by Gong dkar 'Phrin las rnam rgyal's (17th cent.) {etext | Wylie}
gong dkar 'phrin las rnam rgyal/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
chos rje sa skya paNDi tas mdzad pa'i chos 'byung chen mo/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
The Great Religious History by Sa skya paṇḍi ta (1182–1251) {etext | Wylie}
sa skya paNDi ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
chos lung pa chos grags pa'i rnam thar/{bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Hagiography of Chos rje chos Grags dpal bzang (1352–1434) {etext | Wylie}
'jam dbyangs bshad sgrub/, snyoms las pa kun dga'/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
gangs ljongs mdo sngags kyi bstan pa'i shing rta dpal ldan sa skya pa'i chos 'byung mdor bsdus skal bzang yid kyi dga' ston/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Sakya Religious History by bCo brgyad khri chen rin po che (1919–2007) {etext | Wylie}
bco brgyad khri chen thub bstan legs bshad rgya mtsho/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
yar lung jo bo'i chos 'byung / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Religious History by Yar lung Jo bo {etext | Wylie}
yar lung jo bo shAkya rin chen/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
dpal sa skya pa chen po sngags 'chang ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar 'phrin las bsam 'phel dbang gi rgyal po'i thob yig rin chen nor bu'i phreng ba/ pod dang po dang gnyis pa/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
The Record of Teachings Received of His Holiness the 41st Sakya Throne-holder, Volumes I and II {etext | Wylie}
ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar/, gdong thog bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan/ (ed.), chos dung dkar po rtsom sgrig khang / (ed.)
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
deb ther sngon po/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
The Blue Annals {etext | Wylie}
'gos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
'jam dbyangs bla ma dpal ldan sa skya pa'i// gdung rabs bsdus pa cung zad bzhugs / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Sakya Genealogy by Bhikṣu Ratnabhadra {etext | Wylie}
byang pa lo chen ratna bhadra/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
dpal ldan sa skya pa'i gdung rabs rags pa dang dpon chen rim pa rnams yod/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Tshal pa kun dga' rdo rje's (1309–1364) 's Sakya Genealogy {etext | Wylie}
tshal pa kun dga' rdo rje/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
dpal ldan sa skya pa'i 'khon gyi gdung rabs/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
'Jam dbyangs bsod nams rgyal mtshan's (1563–1617) Sakya Genealogy {etext | Wylie}
'jam dbyangs bsod nams rgyal mtshan/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
dpal ldan sa skya pa'i gdungs rabs rin po che'i 'phreng ba/ rnam thar mdo tsam gyi 'od mdangs dang bcas pa/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Shākya don grub's Sakya Genealogy {etext | Wylie}
stong ra chos rje shAkya don grub dpal bzang po/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
sa skya pa'i gdung rabs bzhugs pa'i dbu phyogs lags so// {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
sGra tshad pa Rin chen rnam rgyal's (1318–1388) Sakya Genealogy {etext | Wylie}
sgra tshad pa rin chen rnam rgyal/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
sba bzhed
Testament of Ba {etext | Wylie}
sba gsal snang /
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
mkhan chen thams cad mkhyen pa chos grub seng ge'i rnam par thar pa dad pa'i rol mtsho kun khyab snyan pa'i ba dan/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Extensive Hagiography of the Great upādhyāya Chos grub seng ge of the dGe 'dun sgang Community (proofread version) {etext | Wylie}
not specified
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
sngags rim chen mo/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Mantra Path by Tsong kha pa (1357–1419) (dGa' ldan block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
David Jackson, tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa slob dpon shan ta de bas mdzad pa/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Bodhicaryāvatāra of Śāntideva (Old Gong dkar block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
zhi ba lha/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
byang chub sems dpa'i rnal 'byor spyod pa bzhi brgya pa/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Catuḥśataka of Āryadeva (Old Gong dkar block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
slob dpon 'phags pa lha/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
gong dkar bla ma 'phrin las rnam rgyal gyi gsan yig {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Gong dkar 'Phrin las rnam rgyal's Record of Teachings Received {etext | Wylie}
gong dkar 'phrin las rnam rgyal/, Guru Lama (ed.)
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
dpal ldan bla ma dam pa rnams las dam pa'i chos thos pa'i yi ge don gnyer gdengs can rol pa'i chu gter/ glegs bam gnyis pa/{bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
The Record of Teachings received of Zhu chen Tshul khrims rin chen (1697–1774), part II {etext | Wylie}
zhu chen tshul khrims rin chen/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
dpal ldan bla ma dam pa rnams las dam pa'i chos thos pa'i yi ge don gnyer gdengs can rol pa'i chu gter/ glegs bam dang po/{bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
The Record of Teachings received of Zhu chen Tshul khrims rin chen (1697–1774), part I {etext | Wylie}
zhu chen tshul khrims rin chen/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
'dzam gling byang phyogs kyi thub pa'i rgyal tshab chen po dpal ldan sa skya pa'i gdung rabs rin po che ji ltar byon pa'i tshul gyi rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar rin po che'i bang mdzod dgos 'dod kun 'byung / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
A mes zhabs's (1597–1659) Great Sakya Genealogy {etext | Wylie}
a mes zhabs ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
rngog lo tstsha ba chen pos bstan pa ji ltar bskyangs pa'i tshul mdo tsam du bya ba ngo mtshar gtam gyi rol mo/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Brief History of rNgog lo tsa ba Blo ldan shes rab's Tradition {etext | Wylie}
gser mdog paN chen shAkya mchog ldan/
Wylie; Full Text, publicly accessible.
'dul ba'i mdo/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Vinayasūtra of Guṇaprabha (Gong dkar block print), colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
yon tan 'od/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
kye'i rdo rje'i rnam bshad nyi ma'i 'od zer/ par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Hevajra exposition by bSod nams rtse mo (1142-1182), block print, colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
slob dpon bsod nams rtse mo/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
kyai rdo rje DoM bi pa'i lugs kyi dbang bskur cho ga par rnying / mjug byang / {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}
Hevajra (Ḍombi lugs) empowerment ritual by bSod nams rtse mo (1142-1182), block print, colophon excerpt {etext | Wylie}
slob dpon bsod nams rtse mo/
Wylie; Excerpt/Colophon, publicly accessible.
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