sakya research centre
'ba' ra ba bka' brgyud/ (3)
'bri gung bka' brgyud/ (11)
'brom/ (1)
'brug pa bka' brgyud/ (42)
bka' brgyud/ (239)
bka' gdams/ (32)
bo dong/ (7)
bon/ (4)
British India [official/servant] (17)
bug pa can pa/ (1)
byang gter/ (4)
Chinese (5)
Christian (ye shu/) (1)
cinematography (2)
dga' ldan pho brang / (25)
dge lugs/ (224)
dwags po bka' brgyud/ (8)
ethnographer (2)
g.ya' bzang bka' brgyud/ (3)
gdan gcig pa/ (42)
gnur lugs/ (5)
gong dkar ba/ (dbang 'dzin/) (3)
gong dkar lugs/ (432)
imperial/dynastic (8)
Indian/Indic (119)
jo nang / (102)
karma bka' brgyud/ (52)
la stod byang pa/ (1)
lcags zam lugs/ (2)
mar pa bka' brgyud/ (4)
missionary (3)
Mongolian (1)
nA lendra lugs/ (23)
ngor lugs/ (143)
OTHER (41)
phag mo gru pa sde srid/ (4)
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rdzong lugs/ (363)
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rgyal mkhar rtse pa/ (1)
ris med/ (15)
rlangs phag mo gru pa/ (4)
rngog (7)
rnying ma/ (70)
rog pa/ (1)
sa skya 'khon/ (1480)
sa skya [wider] (584)
sa skya/ [PARENT] (3070)
shangs pa bka' brgyud/ (3)
sron lugs/ (6)
stag lung bka' brgyud/ (5)
theg chen lugs/ (6)
thon mi yar rgyab pa/ (8)
Tibetan (1)
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treasure revealer (14)
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tshal pa/ (2)
tshar lugs/ (21)
yar 'brog sna dkar rtse pa/ (3)
yar lung klu pa/ (1)
zha ma/ (8)
zhi byed lugs/ (2)
zhwa lugs/ (39)
literary forms
? Modern rel.-hist. publication (76)
? novel / epos (5)
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activity ritual (4)
annals (28)
art manual (1)
article (498)
atonement ritual (19)
auction catalogue (5)
autobiography (65)
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be'u bum-collection (2)
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biography/hagiography (Tibetan-styled) (477)
birth stories (6)
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booklet/brochure (3)
canonized work (10)
catalogue (library) (62)
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chapter (13)
chart (2)
chronology (22)
clarification (3)
classification / analysis (1)
collected ritual actions (6)
collected volume/anthology (various authors) (99)
collected writings (99)
collected writings (partial collection) (34)
commemorative volume (30)
commentary (213)
commentary (annotational) (18)
commentary (auto~) (13)
commentary (on difficult points) (10)
commentary (word by word) (1)
comparative edition (Tibetan) (8)
compiled volume (indigenous) (53)
compiled volume (single author) (19)
consecration ritual (7)
dance manual (36)
dataset (9)
debate record (1)
dhāraṇī text (13)
dictionary (39)
directing awareness-[ritual] (3)
dmigs pa (2)
doctoral dissertation (92)
document (legal) (7)
earth ritual (sa chog) (3)
empowerment ritual (41)
encyclopedia (12)
essay (44)
eulogy (93)
exhibition catalogue (49)
exposition (186)
exposition on general meaning (spyi don) (8)
facsimile reproduction (79)
fire offering ritual (29)
gazetteer (29)
genealogy (78)
glossary (16)
good sayings (9)
guide book (modern) (17)
guide book (traditional) (39)
hagiography (secret) (1)
handbook (1)
historical work / history (118)
history (outlined) (2)
iconographic description (1)
illustrated book (109)
index/list (34)
initiation ritual (29)
inscription/s (5)
instruction for removing impediments (41)
instruction manual (khrid) (61)
instructions (gdams ngag) (100)
introduction (5)
journal (online) (16)
journal (print) (41)
journal (volume/issue) (38)
land decree (1)
letter [of advice/instructions] (23)
letter(s) (18)
lexicon (Sanskrit-Tibetan) (4)
literature of the path (28)
liturgical text (20)
longevity ritual (1)
M.A. thesis (23)
magazine (13)
magazine (issue) (17)
making of sacred objects (1)
mantra (2)
mantra recitation text (8)
map (13)
maṇḍala ritual (87)
meditation manual (4)
memorandum (15)
minor literary work (10)
monastic chronicles (20)
monastic regulation (6)
monograph (250)
musical notes (21)
newspaper (1)
notes (87)
novel (1)
offering ritual (21)
oral directions (5)
paper (8)
pertinent quotations (1)
photo album (1)
pictorial book (5)
play/drama (zlos gar gyi bstan bcos) (2)
poetic work (4)
practice text (phyag len) (43)
prayer (70)
presentation (systematic) (29)
proceedings (51)
project website (11)
prophecy (3)
purification / washing-ritual (4)
recitation manual (44)
record of teachings received (57)
refutation (24)
register / title list (dkar chag) (70)
religious history (164)
reply to queries (44)
repository/archive (online) (81)
review article (7)
ritual manual (3)
ritual text (133)
road atlas (1)
royal chronicles (10)
self-empowerment ritual (15)
speech (8)
spiritual songs (20)
story/tale (1)
summary (1)
supplement (82)
synoptic table (bsdus don) (29)
sādhana (108)
sūtra (15)
tantra (15)
terma cycle/corpus (2)
testament (5)
text collection (indigenous) (66)
text collection (modern) (85)
text collection (preserved) (32)
text edition (Roman) (75)
text edition (Tibetan) (24)
text for clarifying doubts (3)
textbook (17)
thig rtsa-manual (10)
thread-cross ritual (20)
topical outline (24)
torma ritual (40)
translation (modern) (262)
translation (Tibetan) (143)
translation revision (Tibetan) (13)
travel account (34)
treasure teachings (11)
treatise (calculations and astronomy) (5)
treatise (grammatical) (10)
treatise (Indian) (68)
treatise (Tibetan) (98)
treatise on philosophical systems (grub mtha') (16)
treatise/text (medical) (3)
tsha tsha ritual (2)
upadeśa (man ngag) (50)
verses (for various occasions) (14)
website/online database (155)
work of reference (193)
–1950s | Pre-1950s (123)
–600 | Pre-imperial time (3)
~1250–1354 | Sakya-Yuan dynasty (90)
~1480–1565 | Rin spungs-period (49)
11th–17th cent. | Post-imperial period (94)
1354–ca. 1480 | Phag mo gru-period (247)
1368–1644 | Ming dynasty (22)
1565–1642 | gTsang sde srid-period (14)
1642–1950s | Ganden Phodrang period (88)
1644–1911/12 | Qing dynasty (5)
1950– | PRC rule (41)
1959– | Tibetan exile (59)
600–850 | Imperial Period (127)
850s–ca. 1250s | Time of fragmentation (73)
abbatial succession (74)
abhidharma (15)
administration (23)
agriculture (2)
archeology (22)
architecture (37)
astrology (19)
Aural Transmission of Ras chung pa (3)
bibliographical (82)
biographical (346)
birth stories (3)
Black Volume (4)
blessing (8)
block printing (109)
Blue Volume (3)
bodhicitta [generation] (12)
bodhisattva training (50)
Bodhisattvāvadāna Kalpalatā (6)
Bodong (21)
body-maṇḍala (14)
Bon (29)
book cover (1)
book production (67)
Buddha-nature (11)
Buddhist art (23)
Buddhist females (15)
Buddhist studies (17)
Buddhist teacher(s) (646)
cakra (4)
calligraphy (2)
canon[ical] (127)
Chinese art (11)
Chinese studies (25)
Chöd (2)
Christianity (The Holy Bible) (1)
Chulen (bcud len) (1)
collection (ethnographica/museum) (16)
comparative studies (15)
completion stage (12)
confession rituals (gso sbyong) (1)
consecration (12)
conservation and preservation (17)
contemporary culture (57)
cosmology (3)
craftsmanship (8)
cultural customs/traditions (27)
Currently unknown edition [AETP] (12)
Denchik (gDan gcig ascetic disciple) (7)
dhāraṇī (18)
digital humanities (17)
digital resources/data sets (26)
digitized books/texts (16)
divination (mo) (1)
documentary (1)
documentary material (images) (10)
doxography (28)
Drikung Kagyu (13)
Drukpa Kagyu (35)
Dunhuang studies (13)
Dzogchen (11)
Dzong tradition (105)
earth rites (sa dpyad) (14)
East Asian Buddhism (4)
economy (9)
educational material (7)
Eight Later Cycles of the Path (10)
Elders (Arhats/Sthavira) (3)
empowerment bestowal (49)
emptiness (10)
entrusting (of activities) (1)
epigraphy (36)
etexts (32)
etexts (epub) (6)
etexts (online reading) (23)
etexts (pdf) (18)
etexts (txt) (6)
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fasting practice (15)
feast offering (9)
fishing (1)
flora & fauna (5)
Four Activities/Rites (5)
freedom activism (1)
funeral practices (5)
funerary commission (1)
Gelug (168)
genealogical (126)
geographical site(s) (119)
geographical structures (22)
geography/topography (80)
Gesar (epic) (2)
Gongkar prints (83)
Gongkar tradition (150)
governance/political history (104)
grammar (55)
gsol mchod/ (1)
guru yoga (9)
Himalaya (87)
historical (593)
history of Buddhism (78)
homavidhi (28)
iconography (32)
illumination/miniature (27)
Indian religion and philosophy (27)
Indian teacher (40)
Indic literature (18)
indivisibility of samsāra and nirvāṇa (5)
instructional (119)
interreligious dialogue (2)
Jonang (46)
Kadam (88)
Kagyu (141)
Kālacakra system (astronomical calculation) (1)
Karma Gadri (Encampment style) (1)
Karma Kagyu (13)
Khyenluk (33)
laity (13)
Lamdre (457)
Lamdre Text Collection(s) (106)
landscape (3)
Lang Phagmo Drupa (7)
law (6)
Lepcha (5)
letter/epistle (13)
lexicography (14)
life writing (29)
life&works (Buddhist teachers) (41)
lineage/transmission (295)
lineage/transmission (textual) (40)
linguistics (computational) (17)
literary oeuvre (196)
literature (152)
Lobshe (27)
logic-epistemology (88)
Longchen Nyingthik (klong chen snying thig) (2)
longevity (2)
love and erotics (1)
Madhyamaka (48)
magical diagram (7)
Mahāmudrā (24)
mahāsiddha (17)
Mahāyāna Buddhism (28)
maṇḍala (112)
Mangyul Gungthang prints (12)
manuscript studies (25)
maps/mapping (55)
material culture (misc.) (46)
medical treatment (3)
medicinal preparation (2)
meditative/contemplative practice (47)
Menri (3)
methods of accomplishment (49)
mind and mental factors (12)
mind training (22)
Ming prints (2)
monastic education/curriculum (43)
monastic site(s) (265)
monasticism (78)
Mongolia (9)
mountain deities [and cults] (11)
mountaineering (5)
mudrā (2)
mural painting (52)
music (10)
Nālendra tradition (21)
Natural Language Processing (NLP) (12)
Ne'u prints (10)
Newar Buddhism (4)
Ngog Kagyu (10)
Ngor tradition (140)
Non-Buddhist [tenet] (2)
non-canonical (8)
Northern treasures (byang gter) (9)
Nyingma (94)
Nyingma Gyubum (1)
offering (43)
Old & rare texts (255)
Old Central-Tibetan prints (70)
Old Ganden prints (38)
Old Lato Jang prints (3)
Old Tsang-prints (34)
Old Yargyab prints (30)
oral tradition(s) (3)
Oriental studies (1)
orthography (10)
Other Emptiness (5)
painting (6)
paleography (9)
Pāḷi (4)
Pāḷi texts (4)
past lives (3)
path literature (63)
performing arts (zlos gar) (1)
periodic offerings (4)
Phagdru prints (17)
Phagdru tradition (23)
Phagru Volume (Library Explication, etc.) (17)
phonology (12)
photography (50)
pilgrimage (13)
poetry (55)
polemics/debate (42)
portrait (3)
practice (29)
Prajñāpāramitā (34)
preliminaries (8)
Profound Path (4)
propitiation (bskang ba) (14)
propitiations [and] offerings (13)
prose (literary style) (1)
protection (3)
protective amulet (2)
protector deity (41)
purification / cleansing (5)
rare texts/collections (recent acquisitions) (10)
Red Volume (7)
refuge (4)
reincarnation (24)
relgious patronage (32)
removal of impediments (52)
repelling (5)
Rime (15)
ritual arrangement (chog khrigs) (4)
ritual permission (17)
ritual practice (235)
root infractions (rtsa ltung) (12)
rulership/kingship/governance (6)
sacred dance (28)
sacred objects (rten) (79)
Sakya (855)
Sakya Kabum (859)
Sanskrit texts (28)
Sanskrit translation(s) (7)
scholasticism (37)
School of gTsang smyon prints (88)
scroll painting (61)
Second Fascicle (brtag gnyis) (17)
secular figure(s) (5)
secular succession (10)
self-empowerment (13)
Shalu tradition (30)
Shangpa Kagyu (7)
Shungshe (47)
siddha(s) (19)
Silk Road (3)
Sino-Tibetan relations (11)
Six-fold Yoga of Kālacakra (14)
social anthropology (20)
social history (10)
songs (7)
songs of realisation (12)
source evaluation (6)
spiritual relationship (2)
spread of Buddhism (9)
statue (beaten) (1)
statue (bronze) (5)
statue (casted/molded) (4)
statue (clay) (4)
statue (gilded-copper) (5)
statue/sculpture (general) (45)
status of Tibet (1)
stūpa (17)
stūpa (reliquary) (3)
subduing / bringing under one's power (2)
Sukhavatī (1)
sūtra (non-tantric) (8)
system of gShen (1)
Tangut Buddhism (13)
Tangut prints (1)
tantra classes (rgyud sde/) (12)
teachings (6)
TEI xml (5)
temple site (4)
terminology (administrative) (12)
terminology (Buddhism) (17)
terminology (misc.) (8)
terminology (scientific) (4)
terminology (Tibetan medical) (5)
Theravāda Buddhism (15)
thread-cross (15)
three appearances (6)
three continuums (7)
Three Vows (23)
Tibetan (Buddhist) renaissance [850s–] (11)
Tibetan art (202)
Tibetan historiography (6)
Tibetan language (30)
Tibetan language (literary) (20)
Tibetan language (modern colloquial) (37)
Tibetan language (Old Tibetan) (18)
Tibetan materia medica (2)
Tibetan medicine (24)
Tibetan song/music (2)
Tibetan texts (168)
Tibetan tombs/burial mounds (12)
torma (37)
trade (6)
traditional sciences (8)
transference of consciousness ('pho ba) (1)
translation/translator (50)
travel / exploring / pilgrimage (153)
treasure site (3)
Tsharpa tradition (8)
Tsibri prints (3)
Tsokshe (1)
Tucci expeditions (9)
unavailable work (17)
utpattikrama (5)
Uyghur/Xinjiang studies (2)
Vajrāvalī (7)
Vajrayāna (Buddhism) (82)
Vajrayāna (non-Buddhist) (10)
vase (5)
verses (literary style) (60)
vinaya (39)
Virūpa Protection (9)
visualization (87)
Volume of Minor Instructions (1)
warfare (5)
Wheel of Time (6)
worship (60)
worship of the guru (20)
yakṣa wheels (1)
Yellow Volume (13)
yoga (20)
Yogācāra (8)
Yogatantra (5)
yogic behaviour (unconventional) (3)
yogin (27)
yoginītantra (3)
Yuan prints (24)
Zhijé (5)
Chinese (138)
English (1505)
German (162)
Japanese (28)
Other (38)
Pinyin (8)
Sanskrit (42)
Tibetan (4824)
Wylie (205)
Article / Essay / Paper (555)
Book (2753)
Digital (241)
Journal / Magazine (107)
Map (13)
Master Entry (775)
Pecha (1551)
Reference (264)
Thesis / dissertation (113)
Comp. Input (1920)
MS dbu can (144)
MS dbu can & dbu med (8)
MS dbu med (754)
Xylograph (605)
Sources (6371) are listed according to IDs. Please apply the filter functions in the menu.
Displaying all sources.
Re-Assessing the Supine Demoness: Royal Buddhist Geomancy in the Srong btsan sgam po Mythology
Article / Essay / Paper
Martin Mills
Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies
3, 2007: 47 pp.
"The Supine Demoness" (Srin mo) and The Consolidation of Empire
Article / Essay / Paper
Robert J. Miller
The Tibet Journal
23 (no. 3), 1998: pp. 3-22
The temples of Lhasa: Tibetan Buddhist architecture from the 7th to the 21st centuries
André Alexander
Chicago, Illinois: Serindia Publications, 2005; 335 pp.
Tibet: the sacred realm; photographs 1880-1950
not specified
[Millerton, NY]: Aperture, 1983; 159 pp.
Sacred spaces and powerful places in Tibetan culture: a collection of essays
Toni Huber
Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1999; 403 pp.
维普期刊官网 - 中文期刊服务平台
not specified
not specified
Taipei: 中華佛學研究所 / 中華電子佛典協會, 2006
sbas yul tsum gyi yig mdzod bkra shis dpal bzang / lo rgyus skor/ gur rigs mdo chen brgyud pa'i lo rgyus/
lo rgyus zhib 'jug lo tsA tshogs pa/
Dharma Ebooks Publications, 2024; 55 pp.
sbas yul tsum gyi yig mdzod bkra shis dpal bzang / lo rgyus skor/ lo rgyus yig rnying /
lo rgyus zhib 'jug lo tsA tshogs pa/
Dharma Ebooks Publications, 2022; 154 pp.
sbas yul tsum gyi yig mdzod bkra shis dpal bzang / lo rgyus rig gzhung skor/ sbas yul skyid mo lung gi gnas yig phyogs bsdebs/
lo rgyus zhib 'jug lo tsA tshogs pa/
Dharma Ebooks Publications, 2020; 164 pp.
sbas yul tsum gyi yig mdzod bkra shis dpal bzang / rnam thar skor/ tsum du byon pa'i skyes chen dam rnams kyi rnam thar/
lo rgyus zhib 'jug lo tsA tshogs pa/
Dharma Ebooks Publications, 2024; 281 pp.
sbas yul tsum gyi yig mdzod bkra shis dpal bzang / rnam thar skor/ mnyam med chos rje ston pa/ mnga' ris paN chen/ yol mo ba bstan 'dzin nor bu/ gter ston gar dbang rdo rje/ rnal 'byor bstan 'dzin ras pa/
lo rgyus zhib 'jug lo tsA tshogs pa/
Dharma Ebooks Publications, 2022; 267 pp.
sbas yul tsum gyi yig mdzod bkra shis dpal bzang / rnam thar skor/ gu ru/ mi la/ ma bdun/ gdan sa pa/ chos rje ston pa/
lo rgyus zhib 'jug lo tsA tshogs pa/
Dharma Ebooks Publications, 2020; 269 pp.
Kālacakra and the Tibetan calendar
Edward Henning
New York, NY: American Institute of Buddhist Studies, Columbia University, 2007; 391 pp.
Epigraphic evidence in the pre-modern Buddhist world. Proceedings of the eponymous conference held in Vienna, 14-15 Oct. 2011
Kurt Tropper
Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien, 2014; 264 pp.
Epistolary Buddhism: Letter Writing and the Growth of Geluk Buddhism in Early Modern Asia
Thesis / dissertation
Christina Kilby
Charlottesville, Virginia: University of Virginia, Department of Religious Studies, 2015; 238 pp.
The Uses of Early Tibetan Printing: Evidence from the Turfan Oasis
Article / Essay / Paper
Sam van Schaik
Tibetan printing: comparisons, continuities and change
, 2016: pp. 171-191
Article / Essay / Paper
Xiong Wenbin, brtse byang spen pa dbang 'dus/
故宫博物院院刊 (Palace Museum Journal)
2017 (no. 4), 2017: pp. 91-104
Sino-Tibetan Artistic Synthesis in Ming Dynasty Temples at the Core and Periphery
Article / Essay / Paper
Karl Debreczeny
The Tibet Journal
28 (no. 1/2), 2003: pp. 49-108
Buddhism and Medicine in Tibet: Origins, Ethics, and Tradition
Thesis / dissertation
William A. McGrath
Charlottesville, Virginia: University of Virginia, Department of Religious Studies, 2017; 264 pp.
Tibetan monastery collections and museums: traditional practices and contemporary issues
Christian Luczanits, Louise Tythacott
Kathmandu: Vajra Books, 2024; ? 314 pp.
cha gan rgyal rabs sogs bzhugs/
cha rgan dbang phyug rgyal mtshan/
Comp. Input; [lha sa/]: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2018; pp. 247-348
sa skya'i rten dang brten pa bcas pa'i lo rgyus dwangs gsal me long /
Article / Essay / Paper
ngag dbang kun dga' theg chen dpal 'bar/
152 pp.
rje btsun sa skya pa'i dbus gtsang khul gyi dgon gnas khag gi dkar chag g.yu yi phreng ba/
rta nag ngag dbang shes rab/
Comp. Input; bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2024; 2 vols.
Death and beyond in ancient Tibet: archaic concepts and practices in a thousand-year-old illuminated funerary manuscript and old Tibetan funerary documents of Gathang Bumpa and Dunhuang
John Bellezza
Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2013; 293 pp.
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