R1157: mkhan po rin po che seng ge mtshan can gyi rnam thar/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}

Occurrences of "rig pa"

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… gi grar phyin te blo gros dang 'tsham pa'i thos pa zhig ci nas kyang rtsal bar rigs la| de yang rigs pa dang mi rigs pa dang yang dag dang ltar snang 'byed …

… btus spyod 'jug la sogs nas 'byung ba'i byang chub sems dpa'-i bcas 'tshams dang / rgyud sde gong ma gnyis nas 'byung ba'i rig pa 'dzin pa'i bcas 'tshams …

… / /'dir ni lang tshos brgyan pa'i gzhon lus kyang // yid 'phrog ngur smrig dpal gyi lham mera'o/ /de nas de ma thag nas/ chos 'dul ba'i tshig don kyi rigs

pa la sbyangs te/ bslab pa'i gnas la gces spras lhag par mdzad pas/ gdung rgyud pa'i gzims g.yog dang dkon gnyer sogs gsang sngags dang bstun dang …