R399: dpal ldan sa skya pa'i bstan 'dzin ngor rdzong rnam gnyis kyi gsung ngag rin po che'i phyag len gyi rim pa 'ga' zhig las brtsams te so so'i bzhed srol rnams legs par bshad pa lugs gnyis zab don gsal ba'i nyin byed/ {bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/}

Occurrences of "ji tsam yod pa"

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… bshams nas cig shos la bskur ba sogs slob ma ji tsam yod pa ma rdzogs kyi bar du de ltar bya ba'i phyag len 'ga' zhig yod pa bstan te/ spyi rgyud nyid las …

… / gzhan slob ma nyer lnga pa zhig sta gon byed pa sogs slob ma ji tsam yod pa ma rdzogs kyi bar du dngos gzhi re dang / slob ma sta gon re spel nas byas pas …

… dpon gyi dbang de nyer lnga tshun gyi slob ma ji tsam yod pa la cig car rung bar thal/ slob dpon gyi dbang de dngos gzhi'i dbang yin/ dngos gzhi'i grangs …