There is currently no Literary Form.
bca' yig
sgrig gzhi/
bslab khrims/
- on the genre, cf. Ter Ellingson, "Tibetan monastic constitutions: The bca'-yig". In Epstein & Sherburne 1990 (pp. 205-229); here defined as "…constitutions in the sense that they are constitutional-documentary outlines of part of a more extensive body of documentary and traditional fundamentals of monastic government."
- Jansen 2015
- Cabezón 1997
- cf. also section on Si tu's monastic customaries in Jann Ronis 's The Prolific Preceptor: Si tu paṇ chen's Career as Ordination Master. In JIATS (no. 7, pp. 49-85)
- cf. also Dieter Schuh (b. 1942). Das Archiv des Klosters bKra-šis-bsam-gtan-gliṅ von sKyid-groṅ. Teil 1: Urkunden zur Klosterordnung, grundlegende Rechtsdokumente und demographisch bedeutsame Dokumente, Findbücher., Monumenta Tibetica Historica Abteilung III: Diplomata et epistolae, Band 6. Bonn: VGH-Wissenschaftsverlag, 1988