P61: rong ston shes bya kun rig

Names order acc. to frequency
  • 绒敦释迦坚赞
  • 玛威僧格
  • "Great Teacher from rGyal mo rong, Lion among Explicators" Jackson 2007 (p. 346)
  • Rongtön Sheja Künrig
Biographical data
  • for a sketch of his life, cf. Jackson 1988 (pp. i-xv) containing descriptive lists of his teachers (pp. ii-iv), disciples (pp. vi-viii), patrons (p. ix) and his writings (pp. v-vi, xiv-xv, Appendix A)

h2. Teachers

extracted from Jackson 1988 (p. ii-iv); acc. to rong ston rnam thar [1975]

(1) gling stod gdan sa pa rin chen rnam rgyal Jackson 1988 (p. ii) (2) rkong ston blo gros dbang phyug Jackson 1988 (p. ii) (3) skyor mo lung mkhan chen Jackson 1988 (p. ii) (4) dmar ston (from 'phan yul gro sa) Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (5) sprul sku gzhon nu rgyal mtshan (from thang sag) Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (6) lo pa shAkya rin chen Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (7) g.yag phrug sangs rgyas dpal Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (8) bzhi thog pa kun dga' rin chen (d. 1399) Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (9) ta dben blo gros rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po (1332-1364?) Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (10) bdag chen grags pa blo gros (b. 1367) Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (11) theg chen chos kyi rgyal po Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (12) yar lung pa seng ge rgyal mtshan Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (13) lo tsa ba skyabs mchog dpal bzang Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (14) lo chen grags pa rgyal mtshan Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (15) kun mkhyen shes rab 'od Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (16) 'jam dbyangs kha che Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (17) paN chen nags kyi rin chen Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (18) karma pa dkon mchog gzhon nu Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (19) tshal min pa bsod nams bzang po Jackson 1988 (p. iii) (20) thang po che pa nyi ma rgyal mtshan Jackson 1988 (p. iv) (21) chos lung tshogs pa'i mkhan chen rin rgyal ba Jackson 1988 (p. iv) (22) dge 'dun rgang pa'i mkhan po dgra bcom pa yon tan blo gros Jackson 1988 (p. iv) (23) snar thang mkhan po grub pa shes rab Jackson 1988 (p. iv)

h2. Students

Disciples from dbus

excerpt from Jackson 1988 (p. vii-viii); acc. to rong ston rnam thar [1975]

  • dmar ston rgya mtsho rin chen/
  • yar rgyab dbon pan chen bsod nams rnam rgyal/ (1401-1475)
  • bzod chen phyogs las mam rgyal/
  • mkhas grub don yod dpal/ (1398-1483?)
  • gra ston pa yon tan rgya mtsho/ (from gsang phu/)
  • chen po dpal 'byor rgya mtsho/ (from rtse thang /)
  • gsang phu/ abbots
  • spyan snga/ from rgyal lha khang / and glang thang /
  • abbots from the tshogs pa sde bzhi/
  • the rulers form rgya/ and bya/ in 'phan yul/
  • the two gong dkar ba/ brothers

A list of his major patrons is given in Jackson 1988 (p. ix)

Events (chronological)

h2. Seats

h2. Travels to gtsang

  • on his journey's to gtsang, his title (i.e. bka' bcu pa and the differing scholastic curriculums at that time, cf. Jackson 2007

h2. Rong ston in dbus

  • until the early 1430s rong ston based "himself mainly in skyid shod and in the Brahmaputra valley southeast of there, i.e. near lha sa or near the seat of the phag mo gru pas" Jackson 1988 (p. x)

  • rong ston travelled to yar lung g.ya' bzang pa and ya 'brog sna dkar Jackson 1988 (p. iv)

  • stayed at ri bo rtse lnga in skyid smad Jackson 1988 (p. x)

  • stayed at shel grong in 1436 for one month Jackson 1988 (p. xi)

h2. Scholasticism

  • "master of general scholastic studies" Jackson 1987 (p . 136)

  • "rong ston remained one of the most highly estimated scholastics of his time" Jackson 2007 (p. 356) "Though not a polemicist by nature, he probably played through his teaching and writing of commentaries a more decisive and active role in the history of Tibetan scholastic philosophy than one usually supposes" Jackson 2007 (p. 356)

  • had great impact on Tibetan scholasticism: not only as regards the sa skya tradition, for a large number of scholastic lineages of the bka' brgyud pa and rnying ma also passed through rong ston Jackson 1988 (p. i)

  • "Rong ston's exegesis was the culmination of three centuries of intensive studies by scholars in the gsang phu ne'u thog and allied traditions [...]" Jackson 1988 (p. i)

  • on rong ston and mkhas grub doctrinal conflict (and their impact of the rgyal rtse ruler, cf. Jackson 2007 (pp. 353f.)

  • rong ston defeated rgyal tshab dar ma rin chen/ (1364–1432) in debate Jackson 2007 (p. 355 n. 36) (acc. to Cabezon 1992)

  • openly questioned and critizized tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/ (1357–1419)'s exegetical interpretations Jackson 1988 (p. ii)

  • said to have defeated tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/ (1357–1419) in debate Jackson 1988 (p. v)