order acc. to frequency
dpal gsang phu ne'u thog
byams gling pa'i rnam thar I_A [ms] (13a)
gsang phu
byams gling pa'i rnam thar I_A [ms] (14a)
rngog lo rol mo [1975] (6a, 6a, 6b)
chos grub seng ge rnam thar II [ms] (16b-222, 18b-226, 19b-228, 20a-229, 21b-232)
'brug pa'i chos 'byung [1968] (305a)
zhwa lu lo tsA ba rnam thar I_A [ms] (31b)
rong ston rnam thar [1975] (331)
grwa sa gsum, collective name:
with chos 'khor gling /, with zul phu/
byams gling pa'i rnam thar I_A [ms] (14a)
gsang phu ne'u thog
byams gling pa'i rnam thar I_A [ms] (46a)
sa skya'i gdung rabs chen mo [2000] (34b)
theg chen chos rje'i rnam thar II [2017] (525)
gong dkar ba rnam thar I_B1 [xyl] (26b, 50b)
gsang phu ne'u'i thog
rngog lo rol mo [1975] (2a)
dpal ldan gsang phu
chos grub seng ge rnam thar I [ms] (4a-373, 5b-376)
chos grub seng ge rnam thar II [ms] (24a-237)
rgyud bla rong Tik [xyl] (38a)
dpal gsang phu
gong dkar ba'i gsan yig phyogs bsgrigs [2005] (423)
gsang phu ne'u thog gi gtsug lag khang /