order acc. to frequency
rgya yul
gong dkar ba rnam thar II_A [ms] (2a)
sa skya'i bla ma'i rnam thar I [2003] (237)
shar rgya nag po'i rgyal khams
chos grub seng ge rnam thar II [ms] (22a-233)
rgya hor bod, collective name:
with bod/, with hor/
gong dkar ba rnam thar III [ms] (2a)
shar rgya nag
gong dkar ba rnam thar III [ms] (5a)
yul rgyal nag
gong dkar ba rnam thar III [ms] (5b)
rgya nag
zhwa lu lo tsA ba rnam thar I_A [ms] (34b)
gong dkar ba rnam thar I_B1 [xyl] (6b)
rgya bod, collective name:
with bod/
gur mgon mdos chog [xyl] (18a)
sa skya'i bla ma'i rnam thar I [2003] (231, 233, 234, 234, 234, 235, 236, 237, 237)
sa skya'i bla ma'i rnam thar I [2003] (234)
gong dkar ba rnam thar I_B1 [xyl] (3a)