order acc. to frequency
gangs ri
byams gling pa'i rnam thar I_A [ms] (2b)
byams gling pa'i rnam thar I_A [ms] (3b, 4b, 24a, 24b)
lho kha'i gnas yig [2015] (49)
gong dkar ba rnam thar II_A [ms] (2a)
mkhan rgyud rnam gsum byon tshul [ms] (3a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 10a)
gong dkar ba rnam thar III [ms] (2a, 2a, 2b, 3b)
zhwa lu lo tsA ba rnam thar I_A [ms] (15a, 32b)
zhwa lu gdan rabs [1971] (168, 168, 169, 169)
gong dkar ba rnam thar I_B1 [xyl] (3a, 5a, 5b, 6b, 9a, 9a, 9a, 14a, 15a, 15b, 16a, 16a, 19b, 21b, 22a)
bod kyi yul
byang chub lam sgron rang 'grel [mst] (242a)
deb ther sngon po_B1 [xyl] (ba 14a)
yangs pa'i rgyal khams (identity uncertain)
rgyal chen gling dkar chag [ms] (5a)
rgya bod, collective name:
with rgya gar/ [trad]
{bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/} (3)
gong dkar ba rnam thar I_B1 [xyl] (19a)
bod gangs can
gong dkar ba rnam thar II_A [ms] (1b)
gong dkar ba rnam thar I_B1 [xyl] (6a)
yul byang phyogs kha ba can gyi ljongs
chos grub seng ge rnam thar I [ms] (2a-369)
ljongs 'di
chos grub seng ge rnam thar II [ms] (10a-209)
gangs can ljongs
rab 'byor seng ge'i rnam thar [2009] (486)
gangs can gyi ljongs
mgon po chos 'byung [1979] (204b)
zhwa lu lo tsA ba rnam thar I_A [ms] (9a)
deb ther sngon po_B1 [xyl] (ba 12a)
rgya hor bod, collective name:
with rgya nag/ [trad], with hor/
gong dkar ba rnam thar III [ms] (2a)
bod gangs can dbus gtsang khams gsum, collective name:
with dbus/, with gtsang /, with khams [trad]
gong dkar ba rnam thar III [ms] (4b)
kha ba can
zhwa lu lo tsA ba rnam thar I_A [ms] (2b)
yul kha ba can gyi ljongs
zhwa lu lo tsA ba rnam thar I_A [ms] (12a)
bod yul
zhwa lu lo tsA ba rnam thar I_A [ms] (32a)
sngags 'dul chen mo [xyl] (509a)
lam lnga gsal ba'i sgron me [xyl] (?)
rgyud bla rong Tik [xyl] (38a)
gangs can
zhwa lu lo tsA ba rnam thar I_A [ms] (33b)
sngags 'dul chen mo [xyl] (509b)
bod yul ljongs
sngags 'dul chen mo [xyl] (509b)
rgya bod, collective name:
with rgya nag/ [trad]
gur mgon mdos chog [xyl] (18a)
gangs can 'di
rgyud bla rong Tik [xyl] (38a)
kha ba can ljongs
phar phyin sgom rim [1974] (176)
bod kyi yul 'di
deb ther sngon po_B1 [xyl] (ba 11b)
bod khams
sngags rim chen mo_A1 [xyl] (361a)
gong dkar ba rnam thar I_B1 [xyl] (3a, 3a)
kha ba can 'di
gong dkar spar ma'i skor [2019] (134)
bod yul gyi rgyal khams
sa skya'i bla ma'i rnam thar I [2003] (234)
gangs ri'i ljongs
gong dkar ba rnam thar I_B1 [xyl] (10a)
bod lung
gong dkar ba rnam thar I_B1 [xyl] (25a)