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'jam sdud bzang gsum gyi mdo phran [xyl]
not specified. 'jam sdud bzang gsum gtso bor gyur pa'i mdo phran/ [par rnying /]. Xylograph.
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chag lo tsA ba chos rje dpal/, sgra gcan 'dzin dpal bshes gnyen/, slob dpon tsandra go mi/. 'jig rten dbang phyug 'khor bcas la bstod pa/.
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'jigs byed kyi las bzhi'i sbyin bsreg [ms]
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a nanta ma ti/. bcom ldan 'das dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi zhi ba'i sbyin bsreg las kyi sgrib pa rgyun gcod pa/. MS dbu med, ff. 84a-91b.
'jigs byed lha bcu gsum ma'i sgrub thabs [ed1410s]
tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/, do dam btsun pa chos seng /. dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed lha bcu gsum ma'i sgrub pa'i thabs/. Xylograph, 11 ff.
'jigs byed lha bcu gsum ma'i sgrub thabs [xyl]
tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/. dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed lha bcu gsum ma'i sgrub pa'i thabs/ [par rnying /]. Xylograph, 11 ff.
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rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. 'khor 'das dbyer med rtsa 'grel/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-26b.
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rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. 'khor 'das dbyer med kyi rtsa 'grel/.
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sa skya paNDi ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan/, gnyan phul chung pa gtsug tor rgyal po/. 'khor bzhi'i rgya/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-2b.
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sa chen kun dga' snying po/. gtum mo 'khor lo bzhi'i dmigs pa rgyas pa. MS dbu med, ff. 39/40b7-41b6.
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rdo rje 'dzin pa chen po a tsa la badzra/, rgod tshang ras pa sna tshogs ming can/. dpal 'khor lo sdom pa'i bstod pa dhAndha bka' bstod bzhugs.ho//. Xylograph, ff. 1a-2b.
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'khor lo sdom pa'i dkyil chog [mst]
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slob dpon bsod nams rtse mo/. blo (=slob) dpon rnal 'byor gyis dbang phyug dril bu zhabs kyi rjes su 'brangs pa/ 'khor lo sdom pa'i dkyil 'khor du 'jug pa'i cho ga bzhugs [par rnying /]. Xylograph, ff. 1a-18a.
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rgod tshang ras pa sna tshogs ming can/, rgod tshang ras pa sna tshogs ming can/. dpal 'khor lo sdom pa sngon byung gi lo rgyus bzhugs so//. Xylograph, ff. 1a-22b.
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not specified, dpon yig gong bsam/, nam mkha'/, rgod tshang ras pa sna tshogs ming can/. dpal 'khor lo sdom pa lhan cig skyes pa'i sgrub thabs bzhugs so//. Xylograph, ff. 1a-5a.
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rgod tshang ras pa sna tshogs ming can/, ngag dbang rigs 'dzin rnam rgyal rdo rje/, nam mkha' dpal dar/, rgod tshang ras pa sna tshogs ming can/. bcom ldan 'das dpal 'khor lo sdom pa'i spyi bshad theg mchog bdud rtsi'i dga' ston ye shes chen po'i sman mchog bzhugs so//. Xylograph, ff. 1a-127a.
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byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. 'phags pa 'od zer dri med kyi gzungs la brten pa'i cho ga lag len gyi rim pa gsal ba/.
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byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. 'phags pa 'od zer dri med kyi gzungs la brten pa'i cho ga lag len gyi rim pa gsal ba bzhugs so// [par rnying /]. Xylograph, ff. 1a-14b (14 ff.).
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not specified. 'od zer dri med kyi rtog pa/ [par rnying /]. Xylograph, ff. 1a-10b.
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not specified. bcu gsum phrag brgyad kyi lto (=gto) sked bzlog dbu bzhugs so/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 30, pp. 380-383.
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tshar chen chos rje blo gsal rgya mtsho/. khams gsum chos kyi rgyal po bdag chen rdo rje 'chang blo gros rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i rnam par thar pa yid 'phrog utpala'i do shal/ [sa chos par ma/]. Dehra dun, U.P.: Sakya Centre, 1983. Xylograph, vol. 02|kha, pp. 35-151.
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not specified. bdag med lha mo bco lnga'i sgrub mchod kyi chog khrigs/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-9a.
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gong dkar rdo rje gdan pa kun dga' rnam rgyal/. bdag med ma lha mo bcwa (=bco?) lnga'i dkyil chog gi zur 'debs/.
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lo chen rin chen bzang po/. bde ba can gyi smon lam bzhugs s.ho//. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-3a (3 ff.).
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not specified, lha btsun rin chen rnam rgyal/. bde gshegs brgyad kyi mchod stod smon laM rgyun gyi ngag 'don ma bzhugs/ /badzra dho dza//. Xylograph, ff. 1a-5a.
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a mes zhabs ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams/. dpal sa skya pa'i yab chos kyi nying khu 'khor lo sdom pa'i dam pa'i chos byung ba'i tshul legs par bshad pa bde mchog chos kun gsal ba'i nyin byed/. In dpal sa skya pa chen po sngags 'chang thams cad mkhyen pa ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams kyi gsung 'bum/. [Kathmandu]: Sachen International (sa skya rgyal yongs gsung rab slob gnyer khang /), 2000. Comp. Input, vol. 16|ma, pp. 1-282.
bde mchod chos byung a mes zhabs [xyl]
a mes zhabs ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams/. dpal sa skya pa'i yab chos kyi nying khu 'khor lo sdom pa'i dam pa'i chos byung ba'i tshul legs par bshad pa bde mchog chos kun gsal ba'i nyin byed/. Xylograph, ff. 1a-145a .
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slob dpon chos kyi grags pa/, chag lo tsA ba chos rje dpal/, nor bu dpal ye shes/. bde mchog gi bstod pa rgyun chags/.
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a mes zhabs ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams/. dpal 'khor lo bde mchog gi dam pa'i chos byung ba'i tshul legs par bshad pa yid bzhin rin po che'i phreng ba dgos 'dod kun 'byung /. In dpal sa skya pa chen po sngags 'chang thams cad mkhyen pa ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams kyi gsung 'bum/. [Kathmandu]: Sachen International (sa skya rgyal yongs gsung rab slob gnyer khang /), 2000. Comp. Input, vol. 16|ma, pp. 283-612.
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byams pa chos kyi rin chen/. bde mchog dka' 'grel bzhugs so/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 14, pp. 1-269.
bde mchog dka' 'grel [ms]
byams pa chos kyi rin chen/. bde mchog dka' 'grel/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-137a.
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rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. slob dpon spyod pa'i rdo rjes mdzad pa'i dpal 'khor lo sdom pa'i dkyil 'khor gyi dka' 'grel bzhugs so/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 12, pp. 55-135.
bde mchog dkyil chog [mst]
byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. rnal 'byor dbang phyug lU yi zhabs kyi rjes su 'brang ba dpal 'khor lo bde mchog gi dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga de kho na nyid kyi sgron me/.
bde mchog dkyil chog [xyl]
byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. rnal 'byor dbang phyug lU yi zhabs kyi rjes su 'brang ba dpal 'khor lo bde mchog gi dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga de kho na nyid kyi sgron me zhes bya ba bzhugso//. Xylograph, ff. 1a-25a (25 ff.).
bde mchog dkyil chog lag tu blang ba [2007]
rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. bde mchog nag po pa'i dkyil chog lag tu blang ba'i rim pa bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 12, pp. 136-206.
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slob dpon bsod nams rtse mo/. 'khor lo bde mchog dril bu pa'i gzhung gi mngon par rtogs pa bzhugs so/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 9, pp. 41-50.
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'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. bde mchog gi bkra shis bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 20, p. 325.
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rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. bde mchog lU hi pa'i lugs kyi bla ma brgyud pa'i lo rgyus bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 12, pp. 1-22.
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rje nam mkha' dbang phyug /. dpal 'khor lo bde mchog gi zur 'debs don gsal snying po zhes bya ba bzhugs lags so/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 17, pp. 134-151.
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tA la'i bla ma skal bzang rgya mtsho/. dpal 'khor lo sdom pa grub chen dril bu zhabs kyi lugs lha lnga'i sgrub thabs bde chen dbang gi rgyal po/. In rgyal dbang sku phreng rim byon gyi gsung 'bum dpe tshogs/. Dharmsala, Distt Kangra (H.P.): sku bcar rnam rgyal grwa tshang phan bde legs bshad gling /, 2014. Comp. Input, vol. 4, pp. .
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sa skya paNDi ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan/. bde mchog lhan skyes kyi byin rlabs bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 16, pp. 343-345.
bde mchog lhan skyes sgrub thabs [mst]
rdo rje dril bu pa/, chag lo tsA ba chos rje dpal/, rin chen 'tsho/. dpal bde mchog phyag gnyis pa'i lhan cig skyes pa'i sgrub thabs/.
bde mchog lo hi pa'i mdun bskyed [ms]
byams pa chos kyi rin chen/. bde mchog lo hi pa'i mdun bskyed bsgrub tshul/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-9a.
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sa skya paNDi ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan/. bde mchog lU hi pa'i 'bru 'bum bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 16, pp. 395-469.
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byams pa chos kyi rin chen/. bde mchog lU hi pa'i mdun bskyed sgrub tshul bzhugs/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 14, pp. 270-283.
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'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. bde mchog lU hi pa'i sgrub thabs rim pa gsal ba bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 20, pp. 182-214.
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tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/, i nag bzhi 'dzom/. dpal 'khor lo bde mchog lus kyi dkyil 'khor du dbang bskur ba'i cho ga rin po che'i bang mdzod/. Xylograph, ff. ?.
bde mchog lus dkyil chog [mst]
tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/. dril bu lugs bde mchog lus dkyil gyi dbang chog rin po che'i bang mdzod/.
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rdzong pa dpal ldan chos skyong /. dpal 'khor lo sdom pa'i lus dkyil du dbang nyams su len pa'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga'o/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 09, pp. 206-230.
bde mchog lus dkyil sgrub thabs [xyl]
byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. dpal 'khor lo bde mchog lus dkyil gyi sgrub thabs lhan cig skyes pa 'byung ba zhes bya pa bzhugs so// [par rnying /]. Xylograph, ff. 1a-12b (12 ff.).
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chag lo tsA ba chos rje dpal/, nyi ma'i dbang po'i 'od zer/. la ba'i na bza' can gyis byas pa'i lu i pa'i 'grel pa/.
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rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. bde mchog lU hi pa'i lugs kyi mngon par rtogs pa bsgom pa'i rim pa bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 12, pp. 266-342.
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tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/, tshul khrims rin chen/, sdom brtson sangs rgyas bsam grub/, bshes gnyen kun mchog pa/, rgyal mtshan grags/, bsod nams rgyal [mtshan?]. dpal 'khor lo sdom par brjod pa bde mchog bsdus pa'i rgyud kyi rgya cher bshad pa sbas pa'i don kun gsal ba bzhugs/. Xylograph, ff. 1a-167a.
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byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. dpal 'khor lo sdom pa'i tshes bcu'i mchod chog gi lag len dga' ba chen po'i rol pa/.
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byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. dpal 'khor lo sdom pa'i tshes bcu'i mchod chog gi lag len dga' ba chen po'i rol pa zhes bya ba bzhugs// [par rnying /]. Xylograph, ff. 1a-22a (22 ff.).
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o rgyan gling pa/. bka' thang sde lnga/.
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bkra shis rnam rgyal rnam thar [mst]
karma 'phrin las pa/. kun mkhyen bkra shis rnam rgyal gyi rnam par thar po ngo mtshar gyi rgya mtsho/.
bkra shis rnam rgyal rnam thar [xyl]
karma 'phrin las pa/. kun mkhyen bkra shis rnam rgyal gyi rnam par mthar pa ngo mtshar gyi rgya mtsho/ [par rnying /]. Xylograph, 51 ff.
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not specified. bod kyi bstan bcos khag cig gi mtshan byang dri med shel dkar phreng ba/. zi ling /: mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang /, 1985. 687 pp.
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rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi bgrod pa gcig pa'i lam chen gsung ngag rin po che'i bla ma brgyud pa'i rnam thar glegs bam dang po las bla ma 'phags bod kyi lo rgyus/. In gsung ngag rin po che lam 'bras bu dang bcas pa/. Kathmandu: Sachen International (sa skya rgyal yongs gsung rab slob gnyer khang /) , 2008. Comp. Input, vol. 01|ka, pp. 1-16.
bla ma bod dang rgya gar lo rgyus [mst]
rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. bla ma bod dang rgya gar ba'i lo rgyus/.
bla ma bod dang rgya gar lo rgyus_A [ms]
rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/, not specified. bla ma bod dang rgya gar ba'i lo rgyus/. MS dbu med, ff. 205a-214b.
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rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. bla ma bod dang/ rgya gar ba'i lo rgyus/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-10b.
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mus srad pa rdo rje rgyal mtshan/. [bla ma brgyud pa'i kha skong zhig]. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 19, pp. 184-187.
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bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan/. bla ma brgyud pa'i mtshan 'bum bzhugs so/. In bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i zhabs kyi gsung 'bum/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2016. Comp. Input, vol. 09|ta, pp. 1-20.
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byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. bla ma brgyud pa'i mtshan 'bum/ [ref].
bla ma bsnyen sgrub pa nyams len [mst]
byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. bla ma nye bar bsnyen pa'i sgrub pa nyams len gyi rim pa gsal ba byin rlabs kyi 'dod 'jo/.
bla ma bsnyen sgrub pa nyams len [xyl]
byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. bla ma nye bar bsnyen pa'i sgrub pa nyams len gyi rim pa gsal ba byin rlabs kyi? 'dod 'jo bzhugs so// [par rnying /]. Xylograph, ff. 1a-6b (6 ff.).
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sa chen kun dga' snying po/, slob dpon bsod nams rtse mo/, rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/, lho pa zhu byas dngos grub/. bla ma chen po'i nyams chen mo bzhugs sO// . MS dbu med, ff. 58a5-60a5.
bla ma chen po'i nyams chen II [ms]
sa chen kun dga' snying po/, slob dpon bsod nams rtse mo/, rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/, lho pa zhu byas dngos grub/. [bla ma chen po'i nyams chen mo/]. MS dbu med, ff. 60a6-62a2.
bla ma chen po'i nyams chen III [ms]
sa chen kun dga' snying po/, slob dpon bsod nams rtse mo/, rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/, lho pa zhu byas dngos grub/. [bla ma chen po'i nyams chen mo/]. MS dbu med, ff. 62a2-68a5.
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sa chen kun dga' snying po/, lho pa zhu byas dngos grub/. bla ma chen po'i nyams chung ba bzhugs sO//. MS dbu med, ff. 53b3-55a3.
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dmar ston chos kyi rgyal po/. bla ma dam pa bod kyi lo rgyus/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-21b.
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dmar ston chos kyi rgyal po/. bla ma bod kyi rgyud (=brgyud) pa'i rnam thar zhib mo rdo rje/. 27 ff.
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bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan/. kye'i rdo rje'i mngon par rtogs pa yan lag drug pa bla ma daM pas mdzad pa bzhugs/. Xylograph, 22 ff.
bla ma dam pa kye rdor mngon rtogs [xyl]
bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan/. kye'i rdo rje'i mngon par rtogs pa yan lag drug pa bla ma dam pas mdzad pa/. Xylograph, 22 ff.
bla ma dam pa la bstod cing gsol ba gdab pa [2017]
not specified. dpal ldan bla ma dam pa la bstod cing gsol ba gdab pa dad pa'i sprin phung byin rlabs chu rgyun bzhugs/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 15, pp. 629-635.
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bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan/. yar lungs sne gdong du gu shrI chen po'i chos 'khor dus kyi bstan rtsis/.
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bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan/. bla ma dam pa'i gsung bstod tshogs kyi skor/. In bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i zhabs kyi gsung 'bum/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2016. Comp. Input, vol. 01|ka, pp. 1-250.
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yar lung pa seng ge rgyal mtshan/. bla ma dam pa'i rnam thar/.
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lo chen byang chub rtse mo/. chos rje bla ma dam pa'i rnam thar rgyas pa/. In bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i zhabs kyi gsung 'bum/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2016. Comp. Input, vol. 26|la, pp. 1-111.
bla ma dam pa'i rnam thar I [ms]
lo chen byang chub rtse mo/. chos rje dpal ldan bla ma dam pa'i rnam thar thog mtha' bar gsum du dge ba/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-67a.
bla ma dam pa'i rnam thar II [2016]
dpal ldan tshul khrims/. bla ma dam pa'i rnam thar shin tu bsdus pa/. In bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i zhabs kyi gsung 'bum/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2016. Comp. Input, vol. 26|la, pp. 193-214.
bla ma dam pa'i rnam thar II [Lobshe 1983]
dpal ldan tshul khrims/. dpal ldan bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan gyi rnam thar/. In Lam 'bras slob bśad. Dehra dun, U.P.: Sakya Centre, 1983. Xylograph, vol. 01|ka, pp. 386-406.
bla ma dam pa'i rnam thar II [ref]
mchod dpon shes rab snang ba/. bla ma dam pa'i rnam thar/.
bla ma dam pa'i rnam thar III [2016]
red mda' ba gzhon nu blo gros/. bla ma dam pa'i rnam thar bsdus pa/. In bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i zhabs kyi gsung 'bum/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2016. Comp. Input, vol. 26|la, pp. 112-134.
bla ma dam pa'i rnam thar IV [2016]
karma byams chos pa byang chub rgyal mtshan/. bla ma dam pa'i rnam thar/ . In bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i zhabs kyi gsung 'bum/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2016. Comp. Input, vol. 26|la, pp. 135-192.
bla ma dam pas mdzad pa'i rab gnas [2016]
bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan/. bla ma dam pas mdzad pa'i rab gnas/. In bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i zhabs kyi gsung 'bum/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2016. Comp. Input, vol. 21|zha, pp. 293-306.
bla ma gong ma'i bsnyen yig [ms]
not specified. bla ma gong ma'i bsnyen yig gsung rgyun gyi nang don mdor bsdus/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-5b.
bla ma gong ma'i chos skor gyi dkar chag [2007]
rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. bla ma gong ma'i chos skor gyi dkar chag bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 11, pp. 522-524.
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rdzong pa kun dga' rgyal mtshan/. bla ma kho na la skyabs 'gro sogs bzhugs/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 05, pp. 4-16.
bla ma la bstod pa [ms]
sron pa chos dpal bzang po/. rdo rje bzhi'i brgyud pa la rdo rje bzhi yi sgo nas dpal ldan bla ma la bstod pa rin po che'i phreng pa/. MS dbu med, f. [1a1-b7] (1 f.).
bla ma la gsol 'debs 'grel pa [2007]
'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. bla ma la thun mong ma yin pa'i sgo nas gsol ba 'debs pa'i 'grel pa bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 19, pp. 118-124.
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bla ma la gsol ba 'debs pa'i rab byed [ms]
sa skya paNDi ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan/, 'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. bla ma la gsol ba 'debs pa'i rab byed/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-8b.
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'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. bla ma la maNDal 'bul zhing gsol ba 'debs pa bzhugs so/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 19, pp. 124-127.
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bla ma lnga bcu pa [mst]
chag lo tsA ba chos rje dpal/, rta dbyangs/. bla ma lnga bcu pa/.
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'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. bla ma lnga bcu pa'i bsdus don bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 21, pp. 195-197.
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gong dkar rdo rje gdan pa kun dga' rnam rgyal/. bla ma lnga bcu pa'i ngag 'don dril ba/.
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rdzong pa dpal ldan chos skyong /. bla ma lnga bcu pa'i rgya cher 'grel pa bla ma'i dgongs pa rab tu gsal ba zhes bya ba bzhugs so/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 10, pp. 1-165.
bla ma mchod pa'i cho ga gnyis [ms]
rig pa 'dzin pa a mo gha/, not specified. bla ma mchod pa'i cho ga dngos grub kyi char 'bebs zhes pa dang // dge legs rgya mtsho'i chu gter zhes bya ba bzhugs s.ho he//. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-5b, 13a-25a3 (16 ff.).
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mus srad pa rdo rje rgyal mtshan/. bla ma rgya gar ba'i lo rgyus/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 19, pp. 169-170.
bla ma rgyud pa'i rnam thar [ms]
not specified. chos rje rdo rje gdan pa'i bka' 'bum las bla ma rgyud pa'i rnam thar dang bla mas rang nyid la gdams pa'i chos skor/. MS dbu med, 51 ff.
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'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. bla ma spyi'i bstod pa mu tig phreng ba bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 19, pp. 100-101.
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bla ma'i las byang le'u brgyad pa [ms]
not specified. bla ma'i las byang le'u brgyad pa/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-10a.
bla ma'i las byang le'u brgyad pa [mst]
not specified. bla ma gsang 'dus las byang le'u brgyad pa/.
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gong dkar rdo rje gdan pa kun dga' rnam rgyal/. gsan yig glegs bam gyi mgor bla ma so so la mdzad pa'i mchod brjod kyi snyan dngags/.
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kun spangs chos grags dpal/. {sems 'grel bskor gsum gyi//} bla ma'i rgyud rim gsal ba bzhugso//. In bod kyi lo rgyus rnam thar phyogs bsgrigs thengs gsum pa/. zi ling /: mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang /, 2012. MS dbu med, vol. 78|tshu, pp. 227-268.
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bla ma'i rnal 'byor [ms]
byams pa chos kyi rin chen/. bla ma'i rnal 'byor dngos grub kun gyi 'byung gnas/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-5a.
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bsod nams rgya mtsho'i rnam thar [mst]
zhwa dmar chos grags ye shes/. rje thams cad mkhyen pa lo tsA ba chen po'i rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar rgya mtsho/.
bsod nams rgya mtsho'i rnam thar_A [ms]
zhwa dmar chos grags ye shes/. rje thams cad mkhyen pa lo tsA ba chen po'i rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar rgya mtsho/ [gser bris/]. MS dbu med, 130 ff.
bsod nams rgya mtsho'i rnam thar_B [ms]
zhwa dmar chos grags ye shes/. rje thams cad mkhyen pa lo tsa ba chen po'i rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar rgya mtsho/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-60a.
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bsod rtse gsung 'bum pod kha [xyl]
slob dpon bsod nams rtse mo/. [bsod nams rtse mo'i gsung 'bum/ pod kha/] [par rnying /]. Xylograph, 336 ff.
bsod rtse kye rdor rnam bshad [ed1450s]
slob dpon bsod nams rtse mo/, gong dkar rdo rje gdan pa kun dga' rnam rgyal/, bzod pa 'phel/. kye'i rdo rje'i rnam bshad nyi ma'i 'od zer zhes bya ba bzhugs/. Xylograph, ff. 1a-101a.
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slob dpon bsod nams rtse mo/. kye'i rdo rje'i rnam bshad nyi ma'i 'od zer zhes bya ba bzhugs/ [par rnying /]. Xylograph, ff. 1a-101a.
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slob dpon bsod nams rtse mo/. kye'i rdo rje'i rnam bshad nyi ma'i 'od zer/.
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rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. slob dpon rin po che'i rnam thar/. In Lam 'bras slob bśad. Dehra dun, U.P.: Sakya Centre, 1983. Xylograph, vol. 01|ka, pp. 32-35.
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tshar chen chos rje blo gsal rgya mtsho/. rje btsun rin po che bsod nams rtse mo'i rnam par thar pa don gyi snying po bsdus pa/. In shangs pa bka' brgyud sogs pa'i sna tshogs glegs bam/. [Kathmandu]: Sachen International (rgyal yongs sa chen dpe skrun khang /), 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 02|kha, pp. 1-10.
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rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. bla ma sa skya chen po'i rnam thar/.
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bsrung ba lnga'i cho ga [mst]
chag lo tsA ba chos rje dpal/, rin chen 'byung gnas zhi ba/, bkra shis rgyal mtshan/. bsrung ba lnga'i cho ga.
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bstan 'byung rig pa'i shan 'byed [mst]
mkhas grub lung rtogs rgya mtsho/. bstan 'byung rig pa'i shan 'byed nor bu ke ta ka'i do shal/.
bstan 'gyur [mst]
not specified. bstan 'gyur/.
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ta'i si tu byang chub rgyal mtshan/. bstan bcos 'gyur ro 'tshal gyi dkar chag yid bzhin gyi nor bu rin po che'i za ma tog ces bya ba bzhugs so/. MS dbu med, pp. 453-773.
bstan bcos khag
jo bo rje dpal ldan a ti sha/, mgon po klu sgrub/, tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa/, klong chen rab 'byams pa dri med 'od zer/. 'jig rten las 'das par bstod pa dang / byang chub lam sgron/ rdzogs pa chen po sems nyid ngal gso/ lam rim bsdus don bcas bzhugs so/. gser thang bla rung lnga rig nang bstan slob gling /. Comp. Input, 141 pp.
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sa skya paNDi ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan/. bstan bcos mkhas pa'i kha rgyan bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 18, pp. 269-275.
bstan chos lung gi nyi 'od [ed1550]
sgam po pa bsod nams rin chen/, bcu dpon rdo rje rgyal mtshan/, lha btsun rin chen rnam rgyal/. chos rje dags po lha rje'i gsung/ stan chos lung gi nyi 'od ces? bya ba bzhugs s.ho// /e waM // {gcig}. Xylograph, ff. 1a-25a.
bstan pa gso chog [ms]
not specified. rgyal bstan rin po che spyi dang / bye brag gi bstan pa gso ba'i cho ga bsam don kun 'grub ces bya ba bzhugs so/. MS dbu can, ff. 1a-25a.
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sa skya paNDi ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan/. bstan pa la dga' ba'i lha rnams la spring ba bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 15, pp. 415-417.
bstan pa mtha' dag gi dgongs pa [xyl]
byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. thub pa sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das kyi bstan pa mtha' dag gi dgongs pa'i snying po nges par bstan pa'i man ngag bstan bcos rin chen shing rta/. Xylograph, 103 ff.
bstan rim chen mo [mst]
gro lung pa blo gros 'byung gnas/. bstan rim chen mo/.
bstan rtsis gsal ba'i nyin byed skor [1988]
not specified. "bod yig dpe rnying / «bstan rtsis gsal ba'i nyin byed lhag bsam rab dkar » zhes bya ba'i skor/". In bod ljongs zhib 'jug /, 1988 (no. 4), 1988, pp. 106-110, 116.
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lo tsA ba nam mkha' bzang po/. bstan rtsis legs bshad 'od kyi 'phreng ba zhes bya ba bzhugs s.ho//. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-10a.
bstan rtsis mkhas pa'i phyag gzhed [ms]
cog grwa rin chen dpal bzang /. bstan rtsis mkhas pa'i phyag gzhed bzhugs.ho/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-3b.
bstod 'bum zhabs btags ma [ref]
gong dkar rdo rje gdan pa kun dga' rnam rgyal/. bstod 'bum zhabs btags ma/.
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rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. bstod pa bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 12, pp. 528-530.
bstod pa gsung rab ma [ed1400s]
hor mo/, rdo rje bkra shis/, not specified. kun mkhyen na len tra pa btud sde yis/ /ma pham zhal gyi bstod pa gsung rab ma/. Xylograph.
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bstod pa tshangs dbang ma [ed1400s]
hor mo/, rdo rje bkra shis/, slob dpon bsod nams rtse mo/. 'gro kun dga' mdzad snying po'i chos ston pa/ /rtse ba chen po'i bstod pa tshangs dbang ma/. Xylograph.
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hor mo/, rdo rje bkra shis/, rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. bstod pa tshangs spyod ma/. Xylograph.
bstod pa yid phrog sdig 'joms [mst]
chag lo tsA ba chos rje dpal/, slob dpon tsandra go mi/. bstod pa yid phrog sdig 'joms/.
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sron pa chos dpal bzang po/. btsan thabs kyi nyams khrid gsang pa'i nye lam/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-5a7 (5 ff.).
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bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan/. btsan thabs kyi nyams len chen mo/. In bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i zhabs kyi gsung 'bum/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2016. Comp. Input, vol. 17|tsa, pp. 299-316.
btsun pa chos legs kyi rnam thar [mst]
not specified. dpal ldan bla ma dam pa chos legs mtshan can gyi rnam thar yon tan 'brug sgra/.
bu slob rnams la spring ba [2007]
sa skya paNDi ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan/. bu slob rnams la spring ba bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 15, pp. 452-457.
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bu ston rin chen grub/. bstan 'gyur gyi dkar chag yid bzhin nor bu dbang gi rgyal po'i phreng ba bzhugs so/. In The collected works of Bu-ston. New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture, 1965. Xylograph, vol. 26|la, pp. 401-664.
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bu ston rin chen grub/. bu ston chos 'byung /.
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bu ston rin chen grub/, dpal brtsegs bod yig dpe rnying zhib 'jug khang /, sgra tshad pa rin chen rnam rgyal/. bu ston rin chen grub kyi gsung 'bum/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2008. MS dbu med, 28 vols.
bu ston rnam thar [mst]
sgra tshad pa rin chen rnam rgyal/. chos rje thams cad mkhyen pa bu ston lo tsA ba'i rnam par thar pa snyim pa'i me tog.
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buddha shrI yi bstod pa bstan nyi ma [ed1400s]
hor mo/, rdo rje bkra shis/, not specified. buddha shrI yi bstod pa bstan nyi ma/. Xylograph.
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ngor chen kun dga' bzang po/. grub chen buddha shrI ba'i rnam par thar pa/. In Lam 'bras slob bśad. Dehra dun, U.P.: Sakya Centre, 1983. Xylograph, vol. 01|ka, pp. 413-431.
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bug pa can pa'i gdung rabs [ms]
not specified. lha bug pa can pa'i gdung rabs spyan snga'i 'khrungs rabs bcas/. MS dbu med, 10 ff.
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rje nam mkha' dbang phyug /. bum bzlas kyi zur 'debs sbas don gsal ba zhes bya ba bzhugs so/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 16, pp. 79-83.
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sa chen kun dga' snying po/. bum gter 'jug pa'i man ngag bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 4, pp. 593-595.
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sa skya paNDi ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan/. bum pa bca' thabs bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 27, pp. 183-186.
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rje nam mkha' dbang phyug /. bum pa'i zur 'debs rgyud don rab gsal zhes bya ba bzhugs so/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 16, pp. 84-113.
bya ba'i rgyud sde spyi'i bum chog [ms]
byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. bya ba'i rgyud sde spyi'i bum pa'i cho ga bye brag tu bshad pa'i yig chung bzhugs so/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-7a.
byA ka ra Na'i rnam bshad [xyl]
zhwa lu lo tsA ba chos skyong bzang po/. tsandra byA ka [ra] na'i rnam par bshad pa sgra rig rgya mtsho'i gru gzings zhes bya ba bzhugs so/ / [par rnying /]. Xylograph, 184 ff.
byA ka ra Na'i rtags 'jug rnam bshad [ms]
zhwa lu lo tsA ba chos skyong bzang po/. byA ka ra Na'i rtags kyi 'jug pa zhes bya ba'i rnam par bshad pa/. 27 ff.
bya rgyud gyi lha'i sgrub tshul rnam bzhag [ms]
byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. bya ba'i rgyud rigs gsum gyi lha'i sgrub tshul rnam par bzhag pa las lam gyi nges pa sbyin pa gsang ba'i de kho na nyid gsal ba bzhugso//. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-162b.
bya rgyud rnam bzhag [xyl]
bo dong paN chen phyogs las rnam rgyal/. bya ba'i rgyud spyi'i rnam par bzhag pa/ [par rnying /]. Xylograph, 21? ff.
bya rgyud spyi'i rnam gzhag [xyl]
byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. bya rgyud spyi'i rnam gzhag chen mo gsang ba'i de kho na nyid gsal ba/. Xylograph, 300 ff.
bya rung kha shor gyi lo rgyus [ms]
gu ru rin po che padma 'byung gnas/, sngags 'chang shAkya bzang po/. mchod rten chen po bya rung kha shor gyi lo rgyus o་rgyan padmas mdzad pa/. MS dbu can, ff. 1a-42b.
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rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. bya spyod rigs gsum spyi'i rig gtad kyi cho ga bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 13, pp. 580-589.
byad 'grol gtad 'grol gyi gdams pa [ms]
legs ldan bdud 'joms rdo rje/. byad 'grol gtad 'grol gyi gdams pa zab mo mnga' ris rig 'dzin chen po'i phyag bzhes khungs thub ma/ legs ldan bdud 'joms rdo rje'i ljags bsgrigs/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-7a.
byams chen la tshigs bcad [mst]
gong dkar rdo rje gdan pa kun dga' rnam rgyal/. byams pa gling gi byams chen la snyan dar phul ba'i tshigs bcad/.
byams chen rab 'byams pa rnam thar [ms]
'jam dbyangs kun dga' chos bzang /. kun mkhyen chos kyi rgyal po'i rnam par thar pa dad gus kyi chu 'dzin rnam par rol pa/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-60b.
byams chen rab 'byams pa rnam thar [mst]
'jam dbyangs kun dga' chos bzang /. kun mkhyen chos kyi rgyal po'i rnam par thar pa dad gus kyi chu 'dzin rnam par rol pa/.
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byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. byams gling ba'i (=pa'i) mchod rten bkra shis sgo mang gis ma bskos pa'i dus kyi bka' bsgo'i yi ge [ref].
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gong dkar rdo rje gdan pa kun dga' rnam rgyal/. mkhan chen thams cad mkhyen pa byams gling pa la phul ba'i snyan ngag.
byams gling pa'i bka' 'bum/ [xyl]
byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. [byams pa gling pa'i bka' 'bum/] [par rnying /]. Xylograph.
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byams gling pa'i rnam thar I [mst]
byang chub rnam rgyal dge legs/. dpal byams pa gling pa'i rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar phreng ba/.
byams gling pa'i rnam thar I_A [ms]
byang chub rnam rgyal dge legs/. dpal byams pa gling pa'i rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar phreng ba/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-95a.
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byang chub rnam rgyal dge legs/. byams pa gling pa'i rnam thar bsdus pa/. MS dbu med.
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chos dung dkar po rtsom sgrig khang /. chos dung dkar po/ sa skya'i rtsom rig dus deb/ spyi'i 'don thengs/ 1. In Cho Dung Karpo. Dehra dun, U.P.: Gongkar Choede Monastery, 2005. Comp. Input, 87 pp.
Cho Dung Karpo II
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chos dung dkar po rtsom sgrig khang /. chos dung dkar po/ sa skya'i rtsom rig dus deb/ 2009 spyi'i 'don thengs/ 5. In Cho Dung Karpo. Dehra dun, U.P.: Gongkar Choede Monastery, 2009. Comp. Input, 142 pp.
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Cho Dung Karpo XI
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Cho Dung Karpo XII
chos dung dkar po rtsom sgrig khang /. chos dung dkar po/ sa skya'i rtsom rig dus deb/ 2016 spyi'i 'don thengs/ 12. Dehradun, Uttarakhand: Gongkar Choede Monastery, 2016. 158 pp.
Cho Dung Karpo XIII
chos dung dkar po rtsom sgrig khang /. chos dung dkar po/ sa skya'i rtsom rig dus deb/ 2017 spyi'i 'don thengs/ 13. In 13. Dehradun, Uttarakhand: Gongkar Choede Monastery , 2017. 144 pp.
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Cho Dung Karpo XV
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chos dung dkar po rtsom sgrig khang /. chos dung dkar po/ sa skya mtho slob dbu brnyes nas lo lnga bcu 'khor ba'i dmigs bsal 'don thengs/ 2022 spyi'i 'don thengs/ 17. Dehradun, Uttarakhand: Gongkar Choede, 2022. 156 pp.
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ngor chen kun dga' bzang po/, gung ru shes rab bzang po/. lam 'bras bu dang bcas pa'i man ngag gi byung tshul gsung ngag rin po che bstan pa rgyas pa'i nyi 'od/.
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zhwa dmar chos grags ye shes/, mkhas pa bkra shis grags pa/, nam mkha' rin chen/, slob dpon dpal grub/. [rtogs pa brjod pa'i tshig su bcad pa utpa la'i phreng ba/]. Xylograph, 18 ff.
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not specified. mkhan chen thams cad mkhyen pa chos grub seng ge'i rnam par thar pa dad pa'i rol mtsho kun khyab snyan pa'i ba dan zhes bya ba bzhugs//. In bod kyi lo rgyus rnam thar phyogs bsgrigs thengs bzhi pa/. zi ling /: mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang /, 2015. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-169b.
chos gtam bya ba'i rna rgyan [mst]
byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. sgrub pa'i snying po la bskul ba'i chos kyi gtam bya ba rin po che'i rna rgyan/.
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byams pa gling pa bsod nams rnam rgyal/. sgrub pa'i snying po la bskul ba'i chos kyi gtam bya ba rin po che'i rna rgyan bzhugs so// [par rnying /]. Xylograph, ff. 1a-67a (67 ff.).
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slob dpon bsod nams rtse mo/, gong dkar rdo rje gdan pa kun dga' rnam rgyal/, dkon mchog. chos la 'jug pa'i sgo/. Xylograph, ff. ?.
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slob dpon bsod nams rtse mo/. chos la 'jug pa'i sgo/.
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slob dpon dbyig gnyen/, gnyer chen gu ru/, sa skya'i bshes gnyen rin chen dpal/. chos mngon mdzod/. Xylograph, ff. ?.
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chos skyong gong 'og gi bstod 'bum [ed1400s]
brag nag pa ngag dbang grags pa/. chos skyong gong 'og gi bstod 'bum/. Xylograph.
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sa skya paNDi ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan/. DA ki ma'i spogs chog bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 27, pp. 161-171.
dad pa'i ljon shing [mst]
'brom ston rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas/. rang rgyud la bskul ma 'debs pa'i dad pa'i ljon shing /.
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mus srad pa rdo rje rgyal mtshan/. dag ldan gsal byed bzhugs so/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 20, pp. 138-158.
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theg chen chos rje kun dga' bkra shis/. dpal kye'i rdo rje zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i rnam bshad dag ldan snye ma bzhugs/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 04, pp. 6-384.
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theg chen chos rje kun dga' bkra shis/. dpal kye'i rdo rje zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i rnam bshad dag ldan snye ma/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-241a.
dag ldan snye ma_B [ms]
theg chen chos rje kun dga' bkra shis/. dpal kye'i rdo rje zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i rnam par bshad pa dag ldan snye ma/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-133b.
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dag yig ngag sgron [mst]
dpal khang lo tsA ba ngag dbang chos kyi rgya mtsho/. bod kyi brda'i bye brag gsal bar byed pa'i bstan bcos tshig le'ur byas pa mkhas pa'i ngag gi sgron ma/.
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dam can pu tra'i mchod gtor
theg chen chos rje kun dga' bkra shis/. dam can pu tra'i mchod gtor theg chen chos rgyal pas mdzad pa/. ?.
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gdong thog bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan/. rje btsun bla ma dpal e waM khang gsar mkhan chen ngag dbang blo gros gzhan phan snying po'i rnam thar mdor bsdus dad pa'i dbyangs snyan/ [sa chos par ma/]. Dehra dun, U.P.: Sakya Centre, 1983. Xylograph, vol. 08|nya, pp. 389-414.
dam sri bse rag [2017]
not specified. 'di'i nang du dam sri bse rag bzhugs so/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 30, pp. 378-379.
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'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. dam tshig rdo rje'i bsgom bzlas bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 27, pp. 231-234.
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sa chen kun dga' snying po/. dang por rgyud kyi rim pa/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 4, pp. 483-484.
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rgyal tshab dar ma rin chen/, ser gtsug nang bstan dpe rnying 'tshol bsdu phyogs sgrig khang /. rgyal tshab dar ma rin chen gyi gsung 'bum/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2013. Comp. Input, 8 vols.
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dba' bzhed/ [mst]
sba gsal snang /. dba' bzhed/.
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dbal mang dkon mchog rgyal mtshan/. byang chub lam gyi sgron me'i 'grel pa phul byung dgyes pa'i mchod sprin/.
dbang bskur ba dngos [2007]
'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. dbang bskur ba dngos bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 21, pp. 490-505.
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rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. dbang bskur ba'i cho ga bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 12, pp. 614-634.
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'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. dbang bskur ba'i cho ga'i sdom tshig bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 21, pp. 489-490.
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rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. dbang bskur ba'i sa bcad bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 12, pp. 612-614.
dbang bzhi ngo sprod rang 'grel [ms]
sa chen kun dga' snying po/. dbang bzhi'i ngo sprod kyi rang 'grel bzhugs s.ho/. MS dbu med, ff. 123a4-130a2.
dbang bzhi ngo sprod zhal shes [ms]
theg chen chos rje kun dga' bkra shis/, sngags 'chang gzungs kyi dpal ba/, bar sdings pa rdo rje rgyal mtshan/, not specified. dbang bzhi ngo sprod kyi zhal shes kyi byin brlab/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-20b.
dbang bzhi'i cho ga mdor bsdus [ms]
rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. dbang bzhi'i cho ga mtha' dag mdor bsdus pa'i man ngag gi gnas/. MS dbu med, ff. 27a-32b.
dbang bzhi'i cho ga mtha' dag mdor bsdus [ms]
rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. dbang bzhi'i cho ga mtha' dag mdor bsdus pa man ngag gi gnas/. MS dbu med, ff. 138a-160b.
dbang bzhi'i len thabs gal cher [ref]
gong dkar rdo rje gdan pa kun dga' rnam rgyal/. gri gug lha lnga thun mong ma yin pa la dbang bzhi'i len (=lhan?) thabs gal che ba 'khor lo rtsibs bzhi pa/ drug pa/ brgyad pa rnams kyi thig rtsa tshigs bcad lhug gnyis/.
dbang bzhi'i ngo sprod [ms]
sa chen kun dga' snying po/. dbang bzhi'i ngo sprod bzhugs s.ho//. MS dbu med, ff. 121a7-123a3.
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'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. dbang bskur ba'i cho ga'i sdom tshig bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 21, pp. 301-317.
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mus srad pa rdo rje rgyal mtshan/. dbang chu'i rtsod spong bzhugs so/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 20, pp. 250-433.
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sa chen kun dga' snying po/. dbang gi bya ba mdor bsdus pa dang dbang tshig tsam gyis thob pa'i gdams pa bzhugs so/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 23, pp. 107-116.
dbang gi rab dbye [ms]
zhang rgyal ba dpal/. dbang gi rab dbye bzhugs s.ho//. MS dbu med, ff. 22b5-24a4.
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rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. byin rlabs kyi brgyud pa ma nyams pa'i lag len gyi tho yig bzhugs so/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 11, pp. 318-324.
dbang gi tho yig [ms]
rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan/. byin brlabs kyi brgyud pa ma nyams pa'i dbang gi tho yig/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-4a.
dbang gong ma gsum gyi khrid yig [ms]
byams pa chos kyi rin chen/. dbang gong ma gsum gyi khrid yig gi zin bris/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-14b.
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byams pa chos kyi rin chen/. dbang gong ma gsum gyi khrid yig gi zin bris bzhugs lags so/. In sa skya rdzong lugs kyi chos skor phyogs bsdus chen mo/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2017. Comp. Input, vol. 14, pp. 300-322.
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'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. dbang gsum pa'i lam bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 19, pp. 617-621.
dbang gsum pa'i lam rgyas bsdus [2007]
'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. dbang gsum pa'i lam rgyas bsdus gnyis las byung ba bzhugs so/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 24, pp. 331-334.
dbang mdor bstan gyi bsdus don [ms]
kun spangs thugs rje brtson 'grus/. dbang mdor bstan gyi bsdus don//. MS dbu med, ff. 1a‑6a2 (6 ff.).
dbang phyug 'bum gyi dris lan [2007]
'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. dbang phyug 'bum gyi dris lan bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 19, pp. 640-647.
dbang phyug 'bum gyi dris lan II [2007]
'phags pa blo gros rgyal mtshan/. dbang phyug 'bum gyi dris lan no/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 24, pp. 349-356.
dbang phyug brgyad ldan gyi gsol 'debs [ms]
a nanta ma ti/. dbang phyug brgyad ldan gyi gsol 'debs/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-6b.
dbang phyug rgyal mtshan rnam thar [ed1500s?]
not specified, dkon mchog skyabs/, mkhas pa rnam rgyal dge ba rgyal mtshan/, mkhas pa dri med/, dpon yig dkon skyabs/, bka' rgyud rgyal mtshan/, bcu dpon rdo rje rgyal mtshan/, 'jam dpal bzang po/, 'phags pa gzhon nu/, nam mkha' rab gsal/, blo gros ye shes/, dpal 'byor bzang po/, nam mkha' bsod nams/, chos rgyal 'phags pa/, blo gros nyi ma/, chos kyi bsod nams/. phyogs bcu dus gsum rgyal ba sras bcas kyi/ /sku gsung thugs dang yon tan phrin las rnams/ /gcig tu bsdus pa dbang gi rgyal po yi/ /dri med rnam thar skal bzang yid 'phrog bzhugs// e waM // {ka, gcig}. Xylograph, ff. 1a-266a.
dbang po rab 'bring gsum gyi khrid [ms]
not specified. dbang po rab 'bring gsum gyi khrid kyi gnad/. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-2b.
dbang po rab 'bring tha gsum gyis bkri ba [2016]
bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan/. dbang po rab 'bring tha gsum gyis bkri ba/. In bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po'i zhabs kyi gsung 'bum/. lha sa/: bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang /, 2016. Comp. Input, vol. 21|zha, pp. 9-17.
dbu ma bzhi brgya pa [ed1400s]
slob dpon 'phags pa lha/, shAkya'i dge slong yon tan 'od/, gong ma grags pa rgyal mtshan/, dpon skyab/, nam mkha' bzang po/. [byang chub sems dpa'i rnal 'byor spyod pa bzhi brgya pa/]. Xylograph, ff. 1a-13a.
dbu ma bzhi brgya pa [xyl]
slob dpon 'phags pa lha/. [byang chub sems dpa'i rnal 'byor spyod pa bzhi brgya pa/] [par rnying /]. Xylograph, ff. 1a-13a.
dbu ma lugs kyi sems bskyed cho ga [2007]
sa skya paNDi ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan/. dbu ma lugs kyi sems bskyed kyi cho ga bzhugs/. In sa skya bka' 'bum dpe bsdur ma/. pe cin/: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang /, 2007. Comp. Input, vol. 15, pp. 304-337.
dbu ma rgyan man ngag [mst]
rin chen 'byung gnas zhi ba/. dbu ma rgyan gyi man ngag/.
dbu ma rigs tshogs kyi dka' gnad [2023]
rong ston shes bya kun rig. dbu ma rigs tshogs kyi dka' gnad/. Dehradun: The Great Sakya Monlam Foundation, 2023. 171 pp.
dbu ma rin chen phreng ba'i mchan bu [mst]
chag lo tsA ba chos rje dpal/. [dbu ma rin chen phreng ba'i mchan bu/].
dbu ma rnam par nges pa [ed14/1500s?]
gser mdog paN chen shAkya mchog ldan/. theg pa chen po dbu ma rnam par nges pa'i chos kyi bang mdzod lung dang rigs pa'i rgya mtsho zhes bya ba'i le'u dang po bzhugs so//. Xylograph, ff. 337 (ff. 1a-?).
dbu ma rtsa ba shes rab [mst]
mgon po klu sgrub/. dbu ma rtsa ba'i tshig le'ur byas pa shes rab/.
dbu ma rtsa ba'i rnam bshad [1975]
rong ston shes bya kun rig. /dbu ma rtsa ba'i rnam bshad zab mo'i de kho na nyid snang ba zhes bya ba bzhugs so// Commentary to Ārya Nagarjuna's 'Mūla-madhyama-kārikā' by Rongton Sheja Kunrig. Sarnath, Varanasi, U.P.: Sakya students' union, 1975. Xylograph, 338 pp. .
dbu ma rtsa ba'i rnam bshad [mst]
rong ston shes bya kun rig. dbu ma rtsa ba'i rnam bshad zab mo'i de kho na nyid snang ba/.
dbu ma rtsa ba'i shes rab [ed1299]
dpal mo 'bol gan/, mgon po klu sgrub/. [dbu ma rtsa ba'i shes rab/]. Xylograph, ff. ?.
dbu ma rtsa ba'i shes rab I [xyl]
mgon po klu sgrub/. dbu ma rtsa ba'i shes rab/ [par rnying /]. Xylograph, 27 ff.
dbu ma rtsa ba'i shes rab II [xyl]
mgon po klu sgrub/. dbu ma rtsa ba'i tshig le'u byas pa/ [par rnying /]. Xylograph, ?.
dbu ma snang ba [mst]
slob dpon ka ma la shI la/. dbu ma snang ba/.
dbu ma thal rang gi grub mtha' rnam dbye [ms]
gser mdog paN chen shAkya mchog ldan/. dbu ma thal rang gi grub pa'i mtha' rnaM par 'bye (=dbye) pa'i bstan bcos nges don gyi rgya mtsho zhes bya ba bzhugso//. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-3b.
dbu ma'i rgyan [mst]
mkhan chen zhi ba 'tsho/. dbu ma'i rgyan gyi tshig le'ur byas pa/.
dbu ma'i snying po་[mst]
legs ldan 'byed/. dbu ma'i snying po'i tshig le'ur byas pa/.
dbu ma'i spring yig tshangs pa'i 'khor lo [ms]
gser mdog paN chen shAkya mchog ldan/. dbu ma'i spring yig tshangs pa'i 'khor lo bzhugso//. MS dbu med, ff. 1a-4a.
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