order acc. to frequency
rgya gar
byams gling pa'i rnam thar I_A [ms] (3b)
gong dkar ba rnam thar II_A [ms] (2a)
gong dkar ba rnam thar I_B1 [xyl] (6b, 20a)
rgya bod, collective name:
with bod/
{bod yig glog rdul dpe cha/} (3)
gong dkar ba rnam thar I_B1 [xyl] (19a)
'phags pa'i yul
mkhan rgyud rnam gsum byon tshul [ms] (7b)
zhwa lu lo tsA ba rnam thar I_A [ms] (2b, 2b, 7a)
zhwa lu gdan rabs [1971] (168)
gong dkar ba rnam thar I_B1 [xyl] (20a)
rgya gar 'phags pa'i yul
chos grub seng ge rnam thar II [ms] (22a-233)
gnas 'phags yul
gong dkar ba rnam thar III [ms] (5a)
'phags yul
gong dkar ba rnam thar I_B1 [xyl] (3a, 5a)
gong dkar ba rnam thar I_B1 [xyl] (9a, 9a, 9a, 14a, 15a, 15b, 15b, 15b, 16a, 16a, 19a, 19b, 19b, 21b)