h2. Teachers
h2. Students
bkra shis dpal brtsegs/ of stag lung /, reception of Nairātmyā and Lamdre transmission Roerich 1996 (p. 641)
rin chen sgang pa bla chen kun dga' rgyal mtshan/ sa skya'i gdung rabs chen mo [1986] (p. 347)
gzhi thog pa blo gros rgyal mtshan sku mched/ sa skya'i gdung rabs chen mo [1986] (p. 347)
'bri khung rin po che/ sa skya'i gdung rabs chen mo [1986] (p. 347)
thel spyan snga ba/ sa skya'i gdung rabs chen mo [1986] (p. 347)
stag lung chos rje/ sa skya'i gdung rabs chen mo [1986] (p. 347)
chos rje ratna ka ra/ sa skya'i gdung rabs chen mo [1986] (p. 347)
'tshal pa rin po che/ sa skya'i gdung rabs chen mo [1986] (p. 347)
karma byams chos pa/ sa skya'i gdung rabs chen mo [1986] (p. 347)
bka' bzhi pa seng ge rgyal mtshan/ sa skya'i gdung rabs chen mo [1986] (p. 347)
rtse chen chos rje/ sa skya'i gdung rabs chen mo [1986] (p. 347)
sgo mo rin po che/ sa skya'i gdung rabs chen mo [1986] (p. 347)
rtsib ri jo gdan pa/ sa skya'i gdung rabs chen mo [1986] (p. 347)
occupied the abbatial throne of sa skya dgon/; see theg chen chos rje'i rnam thar II [2017] (pp. 500, 501) and theg chen chos rje'i rnam thar I [2017] (pp. 34f., 37f., 61)
1408 (sixteenth year): invited by the Ming emperor (gong ma tA ming rgyal po/) and stayed two years (lo ngo gnyis kyi ring du/) ming mdzod [1992] (p. 814)
1412 (chu pho 'brug)
1414: resided at the Ming court Roerich 1996 (p. 215)
was granted a special hat by the emperor (see ming rgyal po yab sras la gdams pa [2017] (p. 396)) as has been assumed by David Jackson (b. 1951) in Jackson & Fermer 2016 (pp. 31f.)
reception of the Lamdre teachings from mkhas grub 'phags pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan/ (~late 14th cent.), sa bzang ma ti paN chen blo gros rgyal mtshan/ (1294–1376), sa skya bu ston dbang phyug dar/ (~14th cent.) mentioned in his gsan yig theg chen chos rje'i gsan yig [2017] (pp. 7f., 8, 14f., 34); although not mentioned in his gsan yig, he obtained the Lamdre also from mkhan chen byang chub seng ge/ (~early 15th cent.), see theg chen chos rje'i rnam thar II [2017] (p. 510)
produced Golden Kanjur edition and editions of the collected writings of the Sakya Founders and his uncle bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan/ (1312–1375) sa skya'i gdung rabs mus srad pa [2017] (p. 63)
return of the lha khang chen mo/ from the phag mo gru pa/ due to the efforts of theg chen chos rje kun dga' bkra shis/ (1349–1425) is mentioned in several sources; see, inter alia, theg chen chos rje'i rnam thar II [2017] (p. 538) sa skya'i gdung rabs stag tshang [ms] (f. 28a) rab kun 'phags rnam thar [1987] (pp. 44, 50) ming rgyal po yab sras la gdams pa [2017] (p. 418)
"[...] Sa-skya's House of Lha-khang in the person of Kun-dga' bkra-shis rgyal-mtshan dpal-bzang-po (1349-1425), alias Theg-chen Chos-kyi rgyal-po, the first son of Ta-dben Chos-kyi rgyal-mtshan, attempted a "revolt" against Sne-gdong, one that was crushed with inter alia the help of divine intervention." Van der Kuijp 1991 (p. 313 n. 45)